For parasites, I had very good luck using copper-based medications. In particular, I used SeaChem Cupramine with great success and see immediate results.Update- Sick fish passed 3 days ago, fixed with formalin and did necropsy with minimal equipment. I saw 1 white cyst ~1mm diameter inside muscle near gill, but not on gill, I think very likely fish tb was contributing factor to death given the history of symptoms. Gill flashing was caught relatively early on with quarantine/prazipro/FMG/antibiotics having minimal effect. Before death fish was floating at surface very heavy breathing (possibly anemia or sepsis or gill damage) Gill lamella shape is relatively preserved
Maybe due to initial prazipro dosing, fluke scars caused secondary bacterial infection and with effects of all pathogens combined fish could never recover from anorexia.
Make sure you follow the directions on the bottle closely, as 1/2 dosage is recommended for fresh water as opposed to saltwater treatment.
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