Help Me Name My Upcoming Pet Shop


Jun 7, 2009
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Like said in the title, Next year I will be opening my own pet shop. I have yet to find a name for it!!
I will be selling the following,
-Tropical Fish
-Coldwater Fish
-Brackish Water Fish
-African Pygmy Hedgehogs
To name a few.
I thought of the name Skales&&Tails, but my OH said it sounded to much like a reptile shop...So thought this forum would be the perfect place to ask for some suggestions!!
What about the dentist, you leaving?


Yep, sure am.
Its good pay & stuff but Its not what Im happy doing.
If you get me :lol:

Those names are great..Keep them coming!!

Oh, eventually I will be opening my website & all TFF members recieve 25% off :)
Wings and things
flippers and flops more (joking)

Good luck with the new venture!!

PS. Loving the pygmy hedgehogs - how do you look after them?

I thought of the name Skales&&Tails, but my OH said it sounded to much like a reptile shop...So thought this forum would be the perfect place to ask for some suggestions!!
I wouldnt advise you to use the name Skales & Tails, There is alredy a reptile shop called Scales and Tails so it may cause problems for you.

How about seeing as your going to be doing most pets "The One Stop 4 Pets " :hyper:
Oh ###### :lol:
It must be in England cos there's not one up here thats named that, I dont think!!
You could call it '*Your surname*'s Pet Emporium' Or '*Your surname*'s Animal Emporium' etc etc

Ps. I am very jealous

Pss. I had laser eye surgery on Friday and forgot about the snails you posted :crazy: Pleased to say we had no casualties but I think they were pretty relived to be in water again. I felt awful when I saw the package and it sorta dawned on me...
summin starting with a number so u get before A1 in the phonebook!?

look forward to seeing another shop up here, we have a shortage! (of decent ones anyway)

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