need help figuring out what to do with my sisters betta

BiOrb....they come in a variety of sizes, acrylic balls, weird squarey or column shapes...smallest is 15 litres and largest is 105 litres

Not cheap but they are very popular with those who have limited space
This is what I was thinking too, am sure can get a half decent one cheaper second hand online, so that’s a good option to consider too if your mom does not like standard tanks.
Ok thank you everyone for your responses! I cleaned out the fish bowl, changed the sand, and put some bamboo and Amazon sword in. The Amazon sword is taller than the bowl so the tops of its leaves are laying across the surface, providing shelter for the betta. The bamboo also has these hanging roots for some reason, and I think he will like those too. I just finished acclimating the betta and he is in his new home! I will be buying some duckweed for the top of it too. Almost forgot to mention I have a small heater in there, though I’m not entirely certain it still works.

Edit: sorry about the glare
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I found this little piece of driftwood. I could snap the parts I don’t like off and put it in? I don’t want to take up too much of his swimming space but I want him to feel secure
Ok thank you everyone for your responses! I cleaned out the fish bowl, changed the sand, and put some bamboo and Amazon sword in. The Amazon sword is taller than the bowl so the tops of its leaves are laying across the surface, providing shelter for the betta. The bamboo also has these hanging roots for some reason, and I think he will like those too. I just finished acclimating the betta and he is in his new home! I will be buying some duckweed for the top of it too. Almost forgot to mention I have a small heater in there, though I’m not entirely certain it still works. View attachment 146827View attachment 146828View attachment 146830View attachment 146829

Edit: sorry about the glare
Not as bad as thought it would look! Great job, much better than the fake plants. If she still won’t let you get another tank, the BIOrd is a great choice. If you can’t get that, just keep up with small daily water changes, and don’t let anyone else feed him.
Not as bad as thought it would look! Great job, much better than the fake plants. If she still won’t let you get another tank, the BIOrd is a great choice. If you can’t get that, just keep up with small daily water changes, and don’t let anyone else feed him.
It is relatively roomy in there surprisingly! I think the bowl is 11 inches across, which isn’t ideal but it isn’t too bad. I honestly don’t have the room for another tank, not yet at least. I am working on rearranging my tank setups this week, so may be able to make room for something then!
It is relatively roomy in there surprisingly! I think the bowl is 11 inches across, which isn’t ideal but it isn’t too bad.
The important measurement IS the surface area. It's looking like you're making a reasonably good job, out of a bad situation.
Now you just need to work on educating Mother. :D
It might be useful to learn where she got her tank-phobia from.
The important measurement IS the surface area. It's looking like you're making a reasonably good job, out of a bad situation.
Now you just need to work on educating Mother. :D
It might be useful to learn where she got her tank-phobia from.
I didn’t fill it all the way to the brim so there is more surface area.

Well my parents just put new carpet in all of the bedrooms, and I don’t think anyone can deny that water changes can be a bit messy at times. I think that to her, you can pick up a bowl and dump it in the sink. Obviously I know that that’s very stressful for the fish. She doesn’t quite understand this. In addition, tanks take up more space and money. They also have seals, and seals can leak. I think that my mom is afraid of a lot of things and has a hard time looking at it from a fish keepers point of view.
My mom recognizes that like it’s not JUST a fish, it’s a life and when you take responsibility for a life you need to do your best. She just doesn’t really understand how a fish could have such needs. She says “they look happy” and it is very hard to explain to her that there is more than just “looking” happy. She doesn’t understand that bettas are naturally “shy” and need floating plants. She doesn’t understand that they are tropical fish and need warmth. She doesn’t believe me when I tell her either.
This is easily understood as the elders in my own family are exactly the same, it’s hard to explain to them that tropical fish and saltwater fish are completely different and they have differing needs and requirements etc and that tanks are different and it’s not just a case of ‘just add water’ type of thing.

I get it that the OPs mom is frightened of anything happening with tanks and having 20 gallons of water all over the floor is no laughing matter.
(I once spilt a whole 5 gallon bucket full of water once in my lounge that caused all manners of chaos and havoc that took a whole weekend to sort out.)

So I do sorta get it but if you can explain that tanks are purpose built and are pretty strong and accidents are pretty rare and it’s usually down to human error that things can happen rather than failure of the tank itself really.
There's more chance of knocking the bowl over, 'cos it's round. ;)
The first tanks I encountered, as a kid back in the late 1960s, had iron frames and the glass was secured by putty.
It doesn't take much imagination to visualise the 'hilarious consequences' of a puttied seal failing.
weren't you the one that put your 55 gallon on a cheapie thin metal stand?
i'd be more worried about someone knocking over 55 gallons of water than a seal failing to be honest
Actually, I strongly believe that the issue ALWAYS lies with the parents, who are supposed to be the Adult in the relationship.They are the ones responsible for the kid and they are the ones that give the kid the pet, or the means to obtain the pet.
Perhaps you should get the parent to read this Forum! ;)

Bad parents will just stick their kid in front of a TV, or give them what they want, when they want it...all for an easier life. When those kids hit The Real World, many struggle and cannot cope as a consequence.
Good parents are totally involved with what their kids do and offer whatever support is required, when it's required.

For your situation, the Betta needs to live in a bucket, whilst you remove the plastic plants and rinse out the substrate, to the very best of your ability, in tank water. Then put just enough substrate back in the bowl to cover the base. You need to buy a load of basic pondweed (Elodea) to put into the bowl. This will help oxygenate the water, manage Betta waste products and give the Betta some security.
You can then put the Betta back in the bowl and keep up with water changes and try to keep it warm.
You then need to nag your parents to get what they should've got in the first place...a proper tank for the Betta. Your sister's getting nothing but bad lessons from her experience and living creatures are suffering along the way, with you caught in the middle. This isn't good for you, your sister, the fish and, in the long run, your parents.

I suspect your kid sister isn't really interested in fish and only wants what you have...because that's what siblings do.
I would say to Bruce that I completely agree but... ya know... ya blocked me so ig youll never know
weren't you the one that put your 55 gallon on a cheapie thin metal stand?
i'd be more worried about someone knocking over 55 gallons of water than a seal failing to be honest
No...and you REALLY need to do your research before posting such.
Obviously, you're unfamiliar with old glazing techniques within sturdy angle-iron frames.
weren't you the one that put your 55 gallon on a cheapie thin metal stand?
i'd be more worried about someone knocking over 55 gallons of water than a seal failing to be honest
First of all, my stand is perfectly fine. I did my research before purchasing it and read tons of reviews. I am almost certain it is better than those particle board ones many people buy. Not everyone can afford a wooden one or has the tools on hand to build their own. Second, idk what you think I am doing around my tank that I could knock it over. My siblings and I only rough house outside:rofl:

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