Help Me Choose 150G Stocking?

What set up to stock my 60x30x30"

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Tank looks excellent simon!
I would recommend you add some Watermelon Panaques.

If I could find some decent plecs I;d go for it.I can;t believe how little l nos are out there.

last year I sold a L200, L128 and L264 really cheap and wish I hadn;t now :sad:

You not tried Pier Aquatics recently, they've got some pretty nice L-numbers in at the minute. And a gorgeus L190.

Saying that, a lot of them are pretty small.


no not been there for about 12 months but will now on saturday as the mrs is away at the wekeend!! ha ha

ahh, the oppurtunist. Great work! You could check the website, but it has recently gone down.
The Royal Plec they have is stunning. Can't remember what else they have :good:

ahh the old sneak a fish in there whilst the missus aint around . loving your work :hey:
ahh the old sneak a fish in there whilst the missus aint around . loving your work :hey:

The beauty of it is it could be a huge pleco. I wonder if she will notice? :hey:

'Darling where did that fish come from'?

'Its been there all along... Its erm... Been hiding' :look:

James. :good:
and they all cost a fiver as well!!!!
heres a quick vid of mine simonas , the quality is quite poor as its my crappy old camera , hasnt really shown up their colors very well but yo ucan see how theyve grown

edit: not sure why it came out like that , just click the pic

wow there stunning mate!!! what I'm striving for!!
I may have a issue as my Uarus look like they;re going to spawn!! when i sit in front of the tank the one I assume is a male comes over and bites the glas in front of me!!
cheers mate it was deffinately worth the effort of making my own food , they have thrived on it. the cobalt and the bigger of the 2 turqs must be 6 or 7 inches across now. . hmm if those uarus spawn that could well spell trouble for the little discus. mind you saying that you do have tank size on your side , so if worst comes to worst you have plenty of room to divide off a section for the uarus but still leaving plenty of room for everybody . do you know for sure its a male and a female you have? the way the one comes over and bites on the glass does sound like territorial behaviour but it could just as easy be begging for food. you know what greedy buggers cichlids are :lol: how are they behaving towards the other fish?
cheers mate it was deffinately worth the effort of making my own food , they have thrived on it. the cobalt and the bigger of the 2 turqs must be 6 or 7 inches across now. . hmm if those uarus spawn that could well spell trouble for the little discus. mind you saying that you do have tank size on your side , so if worst comes to worst you have plenty of room to divide off a section for the uarus but still leaving plenty of room for everybody . do you know for sure its a male and a female you have? the way the one comes over and bites on the glass does sound like territorial behaviour but it could just as easy be begging for food. you know what greedy buggers cichlids are :lol: how are they behaving towards the other fish?

they;re behaving fine with other fish, the odd chase away of discus but theres plenty of space and the discus just want to foloow the uaru!! the one whos biting is a different shade hes gone a reddy clour as well on his body

the discus are fine all eating bar one who I haven;t seen eat yet, going to try some garlic on food tonight

whats your food recipe?
lol thats the trouble , you can bet your life that where the uaru decide to spawn is where the discus will want to hang out :crazy:

the last batch i made contained

1 mug of squid
1 mug of prawns
a big ole clump of spinach ( blanched)
1/4 cup cooked shelled peas
1/2 mug hikari gold pellets ( just had em laying around)
4 cloves of garlic
5 spirulina tablets ( crushed)
5 multivitamins ( crushed)
1 very ripe banana to help bind it together

all blitzed up in a blender then spread into a slab and frozen. they go nuts for it
that sounds lovely!!!!! but I don;t have a blender.

I;ve just realised as well I go away for a week wednesday!! I should have planned this better as they won;t be fed for a week :crazy:
oops! :crazy: can you get anybody to come feed em for you? or if not maybe get 1 of those auto feeders . wouldnt be a problem with adults but juvies need lots of food for optimum growth. doubt it will kille em but its not ideal.

the blender i got for 7 quid on ebay just for making the food , its a propper 1980s dinosaur :lol:
well I added 20 cardinals but I now only have 13!! whcih is a pain as they look great in a shoal and my intention was to get about 40!!

They disappear at night which leads me to believe it is the rubber eel rather than the large uarus.

I wanted a rubber eel for yrs and sods law I get one just as I had a tank he doesn;t really suit!! Big decision to make about rehoming the eel. I don;t really see it much anyhow
finally settled on what I;m doing !!
after buying 4 discus and the cardinals I decided wanted to do fish only marine and sold trhe discus and cardinals to a mate

decided couldn;t really afford to do the fish only marine properly so going ahead with discus again

As I wanted the tank planting the Uarus had to go as they eat all the plants I bought previously, bought 4 altum angels which are beautiful, 2 discus as thats all the shop had and they were decent and 6 cory sterbai

There are 3 bristlenose in there, the rubber eeland also a small flagtail which is still for sale

I plan top get 6 more discus, 6 more sterbai and either a large group of cardinals or runmmy nose
2 more discus today to go with the two I bought last week

They are eating very well, just need to buy 3 or 4 more if I can find any decent ones of a similar size locally

I;ll get 6 more sterbai thena load of rummy nose and vallis and I;m happy!!

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