Cichlids, Catfish and Oddballs
I voted for the Puffer, but as you seem keen on Discus I would go for 7 large Discus, 7 Clown Loach, 1 Black Ghost Knife, possibly a big group of Whiptails, and a large shoal of Emperor Tetras to finish
I voted for the Puffer, but as you seem keen on Discus I would go for 7 large Discus, 7 Clown Loach, 1 Black Ghost Knife, possibly a big group of Whiptails, and a large shoal of Emperor Tetras to finish
theres my old external running on it at moment. Its not empty although looks it, my mates Channa Auranti is in there its about 12 inches
can;t wait for him to take that back so I can start planting and getting the tetras in there for now
theres my old external running on it at moment. Its not empty although looks it, my mates Channa Auranti is in there its about 12 inches
can;t wait for him to take that back so I can start planting and getting the tetras in there for now
What Tetra's you going for? Congo's?