the tetras are fine and the ghostknife and the loach fight but they normally have 3 caves and keep to themselves.
I know, it terrifiyed me when mine yawned once and it mouth was massive.
the ph has settled to 6.6 from what i can tell, Derek (ghostknife) is swimming a little more, have to move him away from the heater just i case he burnt and didnt wany any of it. Loach seems to have settled now too.
Ah i know that the tank is too small, the fish have bashed themselves a few times, used to have another shark and dollar but oe broke its spine on a rock as a baby and the other dollar jumped out at night. The sharks were actually meant to be a test for the tank when it was set up but never died. We even had a ciclid in there but got rid of it cause he was a little ...
Family wants to get rid of the fish and tank after i fix it anyway, bit upset though cause i do like the angel alot and the ghostknife but i know they need a bigger tank. Was meant to get one but that was dropped.
Either way some actual knowhow is good and useful
I take no offense as longas you ignore my terrible spelling ¬¬