Well - our first little 'emergency' last night. But it really was only caused by myself. Hadn't spotted how low the water level was getting in the last chamber of the sump that the return pump pulls the water from. Got a jet of bubbles blasted into the tank so had to switch the pump off, and start my first filling process.
Only thing I had to make up a quantity of water was a half full salt bucket - that was heavy when we poured it into a few bags. Thought it was going to split... but got the RO flushed and started filling, then borrowed the heaters from the sump and let it warm up. Then a cup of salt, mix, wait 30 mins, test with refractometer, add more, wait - (play on Red Dead Redemption on the PS3, great game). Add more salt. Realise the salinity has gone up to 1.030 - oh well, main tank was dropping anyhow - which was odd, as I thought evaporation left the salt in the tank, increasing the salinity? Unless there is a slow leak I've not found yet???
I have also got a cheap and cheerful cover for evaporation on top of the sump now.
That took me from 2130h through to 0200h
Wondering how long my 25% (127 litre) change is going to take then...
Posted 22 May 2010 - 11:44 AM
Yep you are nearly there, just need those nitrites to disappear and its water change time - woo hoo, wait 24 hrs, test again, if nitrates are <10 go get your cuc what cuc are you going to have?
Seffie x
Hi. Those readings on the nitrites are the lowest reading @ 0.3 - did you mean the nitrates? If not, I better read up again on the cycle

- We are thinking of Clibanarius tricolor, Paguristes cadenati, Calcinus elegans for crabs. Maybe something big in the main tank, as I do eventually want to have a fuzzy dwarf lion. Maybe a Stenopus hispidus, but people have said they're not good - I think because they'll destroy any kind of corals or the like? Otherwise a couple of these if they're big enough: Lysmata debelius. As well as Lysmata amboinensis.
Depends on what the LFS think too.