Tanks looking good!
One quick thing regarding acclimatisation of fish/corals/inverts, etc. It should take around 2-3 hours to do it properly.
Drip acclimatisation is the best method. Float the bag in the tank for 10 minutes to match temps. Then you need to place the bag in a container below the water level of the tank and use a bit of airline hose with a valve on to drip water from the main tank into the bag (around 2-3 drips per second). You need to do this for at least 2 hours (ideally 3 with corals and inverts).
If you have a sump you can put the bags in the sump and drip from the display tank, this keeps the temperature matched.
I would be worried about the shrimp to be honest. They are sensitive but they shouldn't die in a short trip from the LFS.
Regarding the difference between a Percula Clown and Ocellaris Clown:
Percular has 11 (occasionally has 10) Spines on the dorsal fin and thicker black bars around the white bits.
Ocellaris has 10 (sometimes 9) spines on the dorsal fin and very thin black bars around the white bit (tend to be a little smaller than Perc's too).
Then you get the hybrids of the two which completely confuse everything

To be honest it doesnt make any real difference. The Perc's tend to be more sought after because they have thicker black bars but they all behave the same.
Yes they do sleep

Eventually they will find a spot which they will call their own and hang around here most of the time during the day. Once the lights go off they will always go back to the same spot to sleep. Clowns do something called "hosting", in the wild they do this with 'nems and some species of muchroom corals. In the aquarium they will do this with corals (mine have killed off about £300 worth of corals by hosting them, hence the clowns now being moved to their own tank... if I can ever catch the little buggers!). They have also been know to host power heads, magfloats, heaters and all sorts of other strange things