OK, after about 7 days of having the clowns in they've started to move to different areas of the tank. Right little adventurers! Sleeping in separate corners though, maybe she snores?
Also picked up 2 large yellow feather duster worms, and a 2nd cleaner shrimp last Sunday. Thought they were dead as the heads stayed out, but have noticed they move - not sure I've placed them correctly though, on top of the rock formation to the right side? Not right in front of the sump return pipe, but there is a bit of movement? Bad idea? Put them in the sand?
Have pointed the power heads in different directions now and seems to be a little better for all. Maybe it would have been fine without any moving around, but won't now know.
Todays water readings are okay, still not done a water change though - not sure if I should be looking for the smalled fluctuations in any of the readings before I do so, or just go for the bi-weekly 20%>25% change? (Difference there of 25 litres) Got a large 110L bin delivered, awaiting delivery of a micro pump, and waiting to see if I can make do with borrowing one of the two 150w heaters from the sump, then if I should get another power head.
Last night was full of fun and games too. First disaster... After the two cleaner shrimp got together and hung out on a rock for yesterday evening, we got out of the shower to find a murder in progress! That large crab that I think I specifically asked the LFS to include with the last load of live rock had the cleaner shrimp upside down in a hole and was eating the poor thing.
Wish I'd realised the dangers of a hungry crab before saying 'yeah please, all the hitchhikers I can get please' to the LFS. Now I know. Not all crabs are a good idea in the main tank. We then decided to grab the crab out after he'd had his fill, as it was too late to do anything for the shrimp. He's now been moved into the refugium - so I might have to think hard about what I add to the sump in the future. Oh well...
Another thing I've noticed, and have not noticed before on the smaller of our clowns:
Any thoughts? Didn't notice before I added the last shrimp and worms. Don't think they're from a copper treated setup. And I don't have (space for) a QT... Is that white spot? Been there for 2 days.
Thanks, Al.