Hello From Southern England

Your water level seems very high, above the braces...?

Do you have enough room in your sump for the water volume above the overflow?

I think you mentioned it before, but if not it's worth testing what happens when your pump cuts out, earlier the better.

Hi. Yeah, it seems the SeaShell Aquariums designed the weir that high, maybe to keep it nice and bright in there as I've mounted the T8's just above them? Dunno? Have tested a power-cut a couple times now. Makes quite a noise on the outlet back down to the sump. Like a mini maelstrom! Sump is 80L - and I currently run it about half way up the last chamber. I was thinking of adding a stop valve to the return line though.

You think the clowns look unhappy with the flow?

These are the Hydor Koralia Evolution 4000's (4,000lph) and an Ehiem 1262 return pump (3,400lph), coming back to the tank with that green pipe. Total litres is 425 in main tank + 80 in sump = 505L
I wouldn't rely on a ball valve, because if you aren't there, you can't turn it off if the power cuts.

If your weir height (comb bottom) is the same level as the return pipe then you shouldn't have to worry about using a non return (if that is what you meant) on the return pump line.

How much of the comb is above the water? That's meant to be there to stop fish getting over the top...

I agree with xxBarneyxx, if the flow as too bad, they would move to a low flow spot, and half the time they will enjoy swimming into the flow.
Will let others comment but to me it looks fine. In the first video it does look like they are fighting against the current but there will be lower flow spots in the tank they could move to if they wanted. My orange clown sometimes liked to swim directly in front of a korillia 4 (something like 5000lph coming out of it).

Don't forget in the wild these fish are experiencing much stronger currents then we are putting into our tanks. As long as there are lower flow areas they can rest in if they want they will be fine.

The video shows off the scape really well. Looks really good and you have lots of flow around the rockwork which is important.

Thanks - I wasn't sure what to think really. Could be they're lost? I guess they sure can adventure around if they wanted to - one of them does. Other one sits up at the back left, where the weir is. Other one adventures all round the tank. It's a new place, so guess I should leave them to it for a while? Just scared of stressing them out too much. I wonder if the power from the return pump is too high though - I've see a cap type thing I can add that looks like it disperses the jet a little? This is the pipe:

and I guess I can simply add:
That little bit in the middle?

Thanks, scaping not yet complete, I want to attach some of the putty I got last week to ensure nothing moves. Got that reoccurring nightmare where I walk in there in the morning to find everything on the floor :no:

I wouldn't rely on a ball valve, because if you aren't there, you can't turn it off if the power cuts.

If your weir height (comb bottom) is the same level as the return pipe then you shouldn't have to worry about using a non return (if that is what you meant) on the return pump line.

How much of the comb is above the water? That's meant to be there to stop fish getting over the top...

I agree with xxBarneyxx, if the flow as too bad, they would move to a low flow spot, and half the time they will enjoy swimming into the flow.

Yeah, there is about an inch or two above - and glass straight above that. No way they're getting in there...FINGERS CROSSED! Yeah, that was the valve I meant. Not much point if it works - no water on the floor, so guess it's fine. :good:
Yeah definitely not too much flow. The return pump wont be working at full whack because of head loss (so say 2000Lph giving you about 6000lph in total) and it is a very linear flow so wont do that much in the tank.

In total you have somewhere around X15 turn over in the tank which is fine for your purposes.

To give you a comparison. I have 13,800LPH turn over from my powerheads (X30 tank volume) plus maybe another 2000-3000lph from my return pump and internal filter and none of my fish have ever had an issue with too much flow (similar sized tank too 450L). The clowns are now in a cube tank which is about 120l volume and has 4300lph turnover (X36 tank volume turnover) and they are still fine.

They will take awhile to settle down and find a spot they like. They looked happy enough to me in the videos.
If you're worried about the flow from the return pump output, you could split the pipe, and then you have 2 different flows you can redirect.

Splitting will further reduce your overall flow though.
OK, after about 7 days of having the clowns in they've started to move to different areas of the tank. Right little adventurers! Sleeping in separate corners though, maybe she snores? :rolleyes:
Also picked up 2 large yellow feather duster worms, and a 2nd cleaner shrimp last Sunday. Thought they were dead as the heads stayed out, but have noticed they move - not sure I've placed them correctly though, on top of the rock formation to the right side? Not right in front of the sump return pipe, but there is a bit of movement? Bad idea? Put them in the sand?

Have pointed the power heads in different directions now and seems to be a little better for all. Maybe it would have been fine without any moving around, but won't now know.

Todays water readings are okay, still not done a water change though - not sure if I should be looking for the smalled fluctuations in any of the readings before I do so, or just go for the bi-weekly 20%>25% change? (Difference there of 25 litres) Got a large 110L bin delivered, awaiting delivery of a micro pump, and waiting to see if I can make do with borrowing one of the two 150w heaters from the sump, then if I should get another power head.

Last night was full of fun and games too. First disaster... After the two cleaner shrimp got together and hung out on a rock for yesterday evening, we got out of the shower to find a murder in progress! That large crab that I think I specifically asked the LFS to include with the last load of live rock had the cleaner shrimp upside down in a hole and was eating the poor thing.

Wish I'd realised the dangers of a hungry crab before saying 'yeah please, all the hitchhikers I can get please' to the LFS. Now I know. Not all crabs are a good idea in the main tank. We then decided to grab the crab out after he'd had his fill, as it was too late to do anything for the shrimp. He's now been moved into the refugium - so I might have to think hard about what I add to the sump in the future. Oh well... :sad:

Another thing I've noticed, and have not noticed before on the smaller of our clowns:


Any thoughts? Didn't notice before I added the last shrimp and worms. Don't think they're from a copper treated setup. And I don't have (space for) a QT... Is that white spot? Been there for 2 days.

Thanks, Al.
Sorry about the shrimp. I have had run ins with killer crabs too.

Yeah that looks like whitespot on the clown. Clowns are fairly immune to whitespot so personally I would recommend just making sure they are fed a high quality food and that you keep the water quality pristine for the next few weeks and it will probably go away within a few days. If you had other fish in there I would suggest otherwise but with just the two clowns it will probably sort itself out.


larger percula clown was dead on top of the glass under the hood this morning, hard as a rock. must have gotten through the slit where a separate glass panel sits on the left side - not the sliding doors. there, or on the opposite corner where the pipe return goes - large open corner that end.

leaves me with a single male, no 'buddies'

so pissed off... :sad:

might get another, but that risks stressing the male out if I get the choice wrong and he has to be come female
(i know that would stress ME out)
or I wait for the white spot to disappear - but I suspect with the the spots and being on it's own, leaving it too long will result in fading away.
I had a dream about this last night! Well maybe not you or a clown, but a fire dartfish, since they need covered tops... mine is covered except the part over the weir and I plan to cover it sometime (don't even have any fish yet). I assume this is the same "opening" you are talking about.

Sad really though.

I'm not sure on this part - but if you get another large clown, it will become female/dominant...
Hi - thanks. I even watched them go to bed, as I do most nights under red light. They seemed fine. But they're SO much smaller that I realised. The tank is one of those from SeaShell Aquariums, they're the same ones that M________d Aquatics sell. Above the wier is a separate length of glass, taped in place. I've moved it a few times, so tape had rolled up - and there is at least a ½" gap there - so she either jumped in her sleep, or from the other end where the return pipes enter...

yeah, I've read the males can change to female, but once female always female?
If you have whitespot do not add anything else until this is cured once you have had a good 3 weeks (Varying reports on whitespot lifecycle 11 - 12 weeks is a safeish bet) with no spots then you can add a smaller clown to the tank do not add a large clown.
If you have whitespot do not add anything else until this is cured once you have had a good 3 weeks (Varying reports on whitespot lifecycle 11 - 12 weeks is a safeish bet) with no spots then you can add a smaller clown to the tank do not add a large clown.

Think it looks like White Spot?
Not sure, as not seen it before.

I've tried telling the missus, she's pretty distraught at the thought of the poor little thing being all along for that long. But at this early stage, I think it's worth the risk. Harsh, but if he goes too - will invest in some more mature clowns.

I've not done a water change yet as waiting for a pump for the bin - but, do I even need to? With only that much stock? Nitrates are around 5>7.5 at the moment and have been for over a week.
Looking at the piccies i am not sure its whitespot was she flicking at all it could just be a small tumor has the one left any spots on it at all ?

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