Healing The Uarus

I got more photos. not my best work as far as photography goes and sorry for the dirty glass.

Here is the same fish but a front shot.

Here is a full shot the fins are looking better

Here is Dent Head the other one with the dent.

Sorry for the bad photo. WORMS WORMS MORE WORM PLEASE!

Getting a good shot of Dent head was hard today.
looks great Snowflake. They have turned into real lookers. Those scars make them unique. When I get my 4' tank, adding a cutteri at LFS that is blind in one eye, makes him different and unique.
Thanks They still have a ways to go. I think by next month it will be hard to tell they ever were in such bad shape.

How big is your tank going to be? These guys get big 10-12".
wow looking good there finage is
almost back to how it should be
and the hole are starting to heal up
there looking good keep up the good work
Im not getting uaru :crazy: too big
im getting a Cryptoheros cutteri, only gonna be 6" max. If I had room for a few of those beautiful fish and knew a place to get some then sure, need a 200 gallon for that though.
Thanks guys I'm really happy they are healing up so well. I'm watching them right now they are going crazy on a chunk of wood nipping at it hard. One was on his side trying to nip at the bottom. These fish keep getting better and better. Also I was checking them out and can see a blue hue all around the head so petty.

Monday I think I'm going to move some fish around when I do an extream cleaning of the 100 gal. I think it's time to give them more space the 20 gal is a bit small. Also I can't wait to see how they are with other cichlid.

Haha these guys are going to town on this wood.
Great to hear how well they are doing !

Have yet to see my two have a go at any wood, but they are still VERY new.

I did see them have a nibble at a couple of pellets at evening feeding time though.

Would love to see any pics of yours with improving HITH etc.
I did a huge over haul of my 100 gal. I have been fighting with bba and took everything ou and bleached it. I added some new sand too the top o the old sand. Took out 70% of the water. Took all the live plants out and put in a bunch of fake ones . It looks so much better. I just can't keep live plants in that tank with the uaru.

Then I moved some fish around took my red severum out with my ebjd . Moved things around in the 80 gal and added the red severum and ebjd. I'm happy my severums are getting along. I might put my ebjd back in the 100 gal.

The uaru are in the 100 gal and doing great. There was a little pushing around no real fight. The parrot and blue acara are being very good to the uaru. The uaur look good and swimming and seem happy to have more room. I add vitamines to the tank to helpthe uaru heal. I will do extra wc on this tank so they keep getting better. They look great but blend in to the black background.

Photo tonight.
They were doing so well I had to move them to their new home and they love it. The less domaniate one named Bubble now eats more. Before the other one (Dent head) always pushed him out of the way and got a little agressive when food was around. Well as agressive as a Uaru can get these guys are so laid back.

The parrot fish is the perfect tank mate for these guys. They get along perfectly. The Uaru acted like it was their tank right away and took charge.

Here are my happy fish. The parrot Kiwi is happy that bossy little Sparkel the EBJD is gone. He is with the Severums in the 80 gal I don't know what to do with him. He is the bossy fish always starting stuff very much a CA cichlid. I love him but I might end up selling him down the road.

Sorry for the awful glare on the glass.

Full tank shot of the newly decorated 100gall.

group shot.



The Uaru still need to heal up a bit more. I will get a 100% better shot here in a month or so I hope.
Excellent news.

Got some nice fin flaring shots of the Uarus there. They must feel a little threatened still by one, or more, of the other fish I guess.
Just seen this thread and the rescued Steatocranus that came with the Uaru, wondered how it is doing and any chance of an updated pic?
Yeah my little blockhead cichlid. He is so cool and doing awesome. His tail is growing back his holes are healing well too. I just put him right in the community tank no hospital tank foe him. He is great always out playing with the other fish. He is a favorite of mine now. I will get photo tonight. He is a bossy little guy.

As for fins they like to pose for me. They rule the tank so need to look tough around the other fish. They are not always extandes like that. Looks like they freaked out at night Dent head has some scrapes on him side from I think the filter intake.
Here is the block head.

You can still see the holes but they are getting better.


Thanks for the pics, he is looking like he is on the mend!

He also looks quite slender, do you reckon he could be a Steatocranus tinanti? I don't know what size they are going to be (hoping they will be young guns so still able to choose their lifelong mate), but my LFS of choice are expecting about 5 different species of Steatocranus later this week, I'm getting quite excited like a youngster preceeding Xmas about the prospect of choosing at least a couple!

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