Have You Ever Found A Fish In A Strange Place,and Its Been To Late

I have had a similar thing happen, I remove the hood to do water changes each week and when I go to empty the bucket and refill (tops 2minutes) I leave the lid off. When I get back I have to do a head count because once I found a danio literally about 3+metres from the tank stuck to one of my T-shirts all dried up. Insane flying fish, also I've found several harlequin tetra randomly out the water. Some fish do have death wishes! The best though was my 7" Adonis plec when during a water change he got scared and jumped, (luckily I saw) and he landed in my girlfriends handbag and started thrashing about. Daft fish!


landed in her handbag!! thats quality.
I lost a lemon cichlid once. he turned ou to have been living in the filter for about 2 weeks with no food. dunno how he survived. Those cichlids are tough!
i had a small danio that got stuck in the filter 2 or 3 times. stupid thing. It survived, though. Hasn't gotten caught since. :p
Bettas seem more prone than any other fish I've had to get trapped in awkward places :sad: had a lovely girl for some time till one day she decided to wedge herself behind the filter and the back of the tank, by the time I found her it was too late, another one I had got his head wedged in a heater guard!
I have two strange stories. I had a large black neon tetra get trapped in a Bubble (Co2) ladder. How he manged to get inbetween the glass and the ladder and survive overnight with Co2 bubbles hitting him I will never know. Unfortunately a few days after that incident, I ended up having a hugh ick problem that wiped out half my tank, think it might have been stress related from him.
The second one, I had a gold fish i won at a church fair. His nickname was suicidie.I was cleaning his tank, and he jumped out of the container I had him in. I found him under my bed (about 15 feet away) an hour later. I put him back in the tank and he lived for another 3ish years. (This was not his first and only attempt at a shorter lifespan)....
When my mom was doing a gravel vac, with a hosepipe attached to the end so the water flowed straight into the garden, she accidently sucked up a neon. Went outside and he was flapping around on the slabs outside. Picked him up and put him in the tank and he was fine.

Ive had many bettas jump out for no apparent reason also, luckily ive been there to put them back in.

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