lol my tank was GREEN last summer cuz i was too busy to take care of it and it was right beside a big window receiving more than 14h of direct sun light everyday.
Of course, after about 2 weeks, i could barely see the fishes (think of it as a tank wrapped in green paper). And since i was too busy to deal with it, i just left it alone till my mom saw it and FREAKED out.
She yelled at me for like an hour and told me to get it cleaned up. --___--
And of course, being a lazy boy and looking at a disgusting tank, i've decided it would take a huge amount of time to get it cleaned up.
So that day i went to pet store, just bought 6 algae eaters and dumped them in.
Peoplez listen. When some other people say algae eater dun eat sh!t, they are lying. Algae eaters are one of the most hungry fish in this world. They are the fish that never stop moving and never stop eating. My algeo eaters ate non stop for about a weak (and i would always see a line of poo behind them). And after that week, my tank has clean. Of course they couldnt clean gravel and some corners, but the walls were CLEAN.
If you have algae eater and expect them to eat algae, plz dun feed them any crap that ur petstore 'requres' you to feed.
Algae eaters are indestructable. I've even had 1 jumped out of tank, which was ike 20cm, and was still alive when i woke up in the moring and put it back.
They ONLY die if you take it out, and chop the head off.
And until they die, they will eat algae.
so. yea try them