Hi Peter, thanks for that info...
What fish did you have and what were the symptoms. Did you also run CO2?
It was a very low tech affair
The same tank I have now (Rio 400 with the original 72w), plus a Rio 240, and a Rekord 60.
All with plants, all originally with algae.
The 400l was the worst, but cleared the fastest.
My fish were OK with the 2x Excel, but my SAE's were gilling quite hard. Once I went back on the normal dosage they were fine.
The overdose totally melted my Anacharis (no great loss there !)
I had (and still have) Angels, Clown Loaches, Corys, Danios, Platys, and SAE's.
I foolishly thought it would be cheaper using the Excel as a substitute for "proper" co2.
Three tanks, mail order ?
Far too much.
So I bit the bullet, sold the 240, got the Juwel light expansion 2 more 36w's, and have just recieved my Aquamas kit,
The Excel and Flourish were working quite well, although there was always one plant with "dirty algae" leaves.
I'll continue with the Flourish but won't use the Excel again unless I need more algae shifted and can afford it.