yes it would, and it will most probably fail or make a lot of noise, go for the real thing, believe me theyre alot better!what is wrong with it though would it still do the job. would 3000l/h be too much for my 50 liter tank
yes it would, and it will most probably fail or make a lot of noise, go for the real thing, believe me theyre alot better!what is wrong with it though would it still do the job. would 3000l/h be too much for my 50 liter tank
buying cheap is not always best! if a power head fails and it takes you ages to find one you will start to get dead spots! i would invest in a decent power head at around £20 look at the link i showed you, theyre considered the bestok i will but i will shop around first and get your opinion on things go for the cheepest option. i have just seen this at 600l/h. now i know that will not be enough but i also have the filter from the tank river reef interpet so added together that should be enough right.
<a href="http/" target="_blank">http
yeswould a solder iron also work for majano anemonies
but the small tank issue comes into play here, remember that the actual volume of your system is somewhere along the lines of 30 litres or lesseasy to keep and very colourful