I'm so glad she seems to be getting better! Hope everything goes okay tomorrow
As for Drebs, yeah he's changed a lot. All huskies are born nearly black, and fade over time. Your little girl will fade a bit more, especially up her face, where it will blend in more where the sharper markings are now. She's a stunner! They all are

! I took Maya to the vet yesterday, and yeah the vet said she had a nose/breathing infection of some sort- however he said there could be 3 different posibilities as to the type of ailment (i can't remember the exact names of the infections/viruses though);
a. A type of infection often found in young rats, which usually clears itself up after about 2-3 weeks- not a serious infection as long as the rat is cared for properly.
b. A general bacterial infection of the nose which is making lots of fluid inside her nose which is causing her to sneeze.
c. A viral infection- he said there are many similar viral infections which affect the breathing of rats, some are are relatively straightforward to treat but others can turn out to be untreatable.
He said he think Maya has a bacterial infection and not a viral one and he said it is good that her sneezing is getting less regular rather than worse, but he gave me some antibiotics none the less to help Maya on the road to recovery. He said to treat her for a week and after that she should be a lot better after that, he said if she isn't then it could be a viral infection.
He said that putting the antibiotics in the rats water bottle is better than injecting them with it, but he said that because it makes their water taste funny they sometimes avoid drinking it. So we decided on giving Maya the antibiotics in water using a syringe in the mouth- this apparently is much better because then you know the rat has had its daily dose for sure, i have to do this once a day on Maya. I'm a bit wary/nervous about giving her the antibiotics in water through a syringe in her mouth (she'll probably struggle a lot since she's never had this kind of thing before), today is the day i start the treatment so i'll see how it goes though.
He said it would be probably best i separate her though, to help prevent the new rats picking up anything from her- but i really don't feel happy about doing this though as she had been so happy since she's been with the new rats and her sneezing has become less regular since she's been with them. I know if i separate her it will probably stress her out as she seems to really crave the company the other rats give her, they all sleep together at night and follow each other around during the day.
Hmm...I guess i have to separate her though, but i really don't want to

Awww they're beautiful - and that's the cage I want too! I've got 5 of my girls in a Brio Medium, but they're not using it all now they're getting older, and it's a bugger to clean. Must talk hubby into letting me get another cage (it wont be easy)....
Congrats on your new additions, they're all gorgeous - hope they continue to be happy together
Thanks Lisa

! The cage is really great, its very easy to clean as all the bedding is stored in a draw under the frame/grating at the bottom, so when the rats make any mess it just falls through the bottom into the draw, and when i need to clean the bedding out i just pull the draw out and empty it in the bin and put in some new bedding. Its a very good and easy to clean design of a cage, all the levels and things for the rats in the cage are all detachable too so when you need to do a more thorough clean you can easily take everything out in the cage

. It also has lots of doors/hatches so its easy to access from the sides and the front too
