Gold Stripes Spawning Again As I Type.......

Nice one, but don't put them in with your older fry as they are probley big enough to eat the hatching fry.

Been there done that, slapped my face a few times after :crazy:
Congrats :good:

Hows the other 2 batches getting on? :)
i had a strange ammonia spike and lost about half of the 2nd batch :angry: i may have fed them too much but im not sure.... but the remaining are doing fine and in a 2 foot grow out tank now. i think i have about 24 at the minute. :good:
Nice one, but don't put them in with your older fry as they are probley big enough to eat the hatching fry.

Been there done that, slapped my face a few times after :crazy:
you dont realise how much they have grow until you get new fry.... cheers for the advice, again :good: ill put them in the wilkos tank on their own and cross my fingers i can do better with this lot in there. i had an ammonia spike and lost about half or maybe more of the 2nd batch. i really dont know what i did wrong as i used a mature filter fed twice a day and did about 30% water changes daily. i dont know if i fed too much or if it was due to me gently squeezing the filter to give it a bit of a clean that removed too much bacteria... it was a mystery and i was gutted. im going to feed less this time :good: the first batch are still doing fine and are very active :good:
i have had about 20 of the new eggs hatch last night and another 20 or so left that are looking good, maybe they will hatch sometime today.... none have gone furry this time which is good news but i used a large yoghurt pot with an air stone instead of an ice cream tub so they were more condensed and it seems to have worked better this time:good:
my only worry now is that i dont have a mature filter left as they are all being used!!!!!!! while they are small will they be ok without a mature filter if i keep an eye on the stats etc......?
i will be adding them all to the 11L wilkos tank sometime today after a few more have hatched.

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