Going to miss them

Now Cat tell me again why you asked about the feet??

And how come your never on MSN any more huh :grr:

But I digress :nod:

Paul I dont think anything is gong to lay eggs every 5 mins it would be imposible for them to get that much food.

And those moss balls are acctually morimoto algea but they are still good plants to have just be carefull with meds. you should get madagascar lace :nod: that would be infinitly cool and I'll be you mom would like it aswell.

Oh and heres a post that I couldnt submit before


Mosquito fish are Gambusa sp. Aff. Affinis they are not medakas althought they would work in your pond they have no color at all.

Madaka are as popular for genetic research as Zebra Danios because they have short generational turnovers and you will see them in allot of transgenic reports.

I think medakas are egg scaterers while Affinis are live bearers and Poecellia at that (guppies and mollies)

Whats worse than the UK getting colder is the artic getting warmer we need the giant sheet of ice to reflect heat and what worse than the ice receding is the permafrost melting the entire artic is covered in a 50 + foot deep peat bog and when it melts the tiaga forests ontop of them sink and die and release there carbon plus when you consider that the peat boggs have as much carbon locked in them as is present in all the earths atmosphere even a little escapeing is a big deal. Oh #### I sure hope Cain doesnt come in here and see this If he does he will surely rail agains bush with it and go for smoke and mirrors Kerry. But I digress lol. Enjoy the brief moment of ice age ryan :nod:
Yer cat I though you hated feet....and now your asking about them :/

Well maybe a weeee bit of exageration.

You did post that before, it's at the bottom of page 3.
by gum I did I lost the sight shortly after I tried to post. absent minded me oh well read it twice then
heh, i'm not reading more than I need to :p

Went and got some plants this morning, can't rember the name of it but i think it's the one you suggested opcn as it's really lacey oh and some oxgenating weed aswell.

will have to go to another place for some slate the garden centre that the shops in only have massive chunks, think I need some more gravel to do a bit of scuturing aswell!!

And i'ved decided on some mountain minows and a few hillstream loaches for the tank when I get back from holiday.

He had a few types of loaches, clown, sucking and a few others. Love the clowns there colours are awesome, pitty there evil bastard and would eat my fry!!
interested said:
Paul I love using your threads :thumbs:

Before picture :p


I forgot to turn the light on but as you can see its naked :rofl:
Took this pic today ryan...


its looking a bit better :nod:
Very nice Cat, I can see the little orange blobs swimming around. :thumbs:
You got some Tetras to? Do you know which type?

Very nice.

Well 2 can play at that game, here's my tank before the make over and well I'll need some more gravel to complete it but my dad picked up some slate for me and I nabbed some flatish cobbles from the pond leftovers!!

Should of seen how many litle worms i picked out the ponds filter for my fish. It's so funny when they eat them, one gobbles one down but then another grabs the bit thats sticking out it's mouth and they bang there heads together :rofl:

Ok so before make over.......


  • tank.JPG
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I haven't 'aftered' it yet.

I need more gravel to do want I want :hey:

I'm copying what Kevin had done with one of the tanks in the shop :) then adding some slate in the corner and front maybe.
:rolleyes: shops closed now til Monday, I'll get it on the way back from getting a hair cut maybe.

Or might do it Tuesday afternoon, got my first proper driving lesson in the morning :D
Newsflash Watch out for paul on the roads :p

paul try get in chat :thumbs:

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