Going to miss them

I leave for the night and you all go crazy, well not all opcn has stayed normal but is trying to warn me of the UK turning into an ice sheet, please don't remind me.
Hmm just did a quick google search on them and mainly came up with pages saying "GM fish will damage ecological system" and there common name is the mosquito fish right? Couldn't find a picture though :( although came across a document on how to breed them.

Me off for a driving lesson now then down to the fish shop to see what Kevin(guy at my LFS) can counger up!! Maybe get some plants in the mean time before I go on holiday -_-
Mosquito fish are Gambusa sp. Aff. Affinis they are not medakas althought they would work in your pond they have no color at all.

Madaka are as popular for genetic research as Zebra Danios because they have short generational turnovers and you will see them in allot of transgenic reports.

I think medakas are egg scaterers while Affinis are live bearers and Poecellia at that (guppies and mollies)

Whats worse than the UK getting colder is the artic getting warmer we need the giant sheet of ice to reflect heat and what worse than the ice receding is the permafrost melting the entire artic is covered in a 50 + foot deep peat bog and when it melts the tiaga forests ontop of them sink and die and release there carbon plus when you consider that the peat boggs have as much carbon locked in them as is present in all the earths atmosphere even a little escapeing is a big deal. Oh #### I sure hope Cain doesnt come in here and see this If he does he will surely rail agains bush with it and go for smoke and mirrors Kerry. But I digress lol. Enjoy the brief moment of ice age ryan
Oh right :/ I don't think I want a fish thats laying eggs every five minutes :D

He didn't have any weather or stone loach and said he hasn't seen the stone about for ages and can't seem to get hold of weathers either, but didn't suggest them for my tank as espicially the stone would prey on the fry.

he pointed out Hong Kong plecs he had instead, which seem pretty kewl :) He didn't suggest another fish as reakoned they would make snacks out of the fry.
Hillstream Loaches require well oxygenated, fast flowing water with some broad flat surfaces like leaves of rocks to attach themselves and for micro organisms to grow-which they feed to develop.
Are Hillstream loaches and hong kong pleco's the same?? :/ :S

Any suggestion on what cough:plants:cough i should get from my tank, been looking on ebay and there's quite a few including moss balls!!

Wasn't any bog wood on there though, think I when I have dosh again (maybe next year) I'll get my self a tropical tank set up ;)
Yep, same fish. Again best to see what plants your lfs has in. :)
Dammit I had already posted this...stupid AOL dial up...

any ways.....

Ah ha, I reakon my tank meets the specs for it, I'ved just cleaned the UG power heads impeller, boy was that manky, Cat would of loved the stuff that came out!!

It's pumping alot better now, and if I still need more oxygen for them I have a 8900 air pump on stand by!

Kevin had a few types of tank plants down there but I can't rember there names now -_- but I'm not too keen on spending 2 squid per plant :blink: so if i can get them off ebay cheaper I will :) Sooooooo.....what plant(s) should I go for?

I'm sure I could get some slate for my tank pretty easily for the hillstream to munch on, also have some coubles from the pond left over which stil have algae on.

If I bought a few of the litle fella's would I need to put food in there specially for them, if not then I can buy them before I go on holiday :D They were £4.95.....
paul_v_biker said:
any ways.....

Ah ha, I reakon my tank meets the specs for it, I'ved just cleaned the UG power heads impeller, boy was that manky, Cat would of loved the stuff that came out!!
:sick: I think not Paul.


hows your feet these days ... healed yet??
paul_v_biker said:
Dammit I had already posted this...stupid AOL dial up...

any ways.....

Ah ha, I reakon my tank meets the specs for it, I'ved just cleaned the UG power heads impeller, boy was that manky, Cat would of loved the stuff that came out!!

It's pumping alot better now, and if I still need more oxygen for them I have a 8900 air pump on stand by!

Kevin had a few types of tank plants down there but I can't rember there names now -_- but I'm not too keen on spending 2 squid per plant :blink: so if i can get them off ebay cheaper I will :) Sooooooo.....what plant(s) should I go for?

I'm sure I could get some slate for my tank pretty easily for the hillstream to munch on, also have some coubles from the pond left over which stil have algae on.

If I bought a few of the litle fella's would I need to put food in there specially for them, if not then I can buy them before I go on holiday :D They were £4.95.....
Add the slates, the micro organisms must develop first so wait until after your holiday. :)
wonder why :lol:

My feet are pretty good, can tell were the blisters were still, the skins all flappy!! Just took my trainers off and boy do they reek :sick:

Ok then.....how long should the slates be in water before adding the hillstreams?
paul_v_biker said:
wonder why :lol:

My feet are pretty good, can tell were the blisters were still, the skins all flappy!! Just took my trainers off and boy do they reek :sick:

Ok then.....how long should the slates be in water before adding the hillstreams?
Get them in salt water :thumbs: (your feet).

ryans busy elsewere i think,you will have to shout paul :nod:
Nah no need for any more treatment, last year I picked the skin off when I did the hike, can't be bothered this year though!!

Oh does it matter really what plants to get, or is it just down to which one appeals to me the best
Buy whatever you like paul :thumbs:

Will have to read back missed some of the convo,glad ur feets getting better though :nod:

(i like the nodding smiley) :nod:

:hey: horrible one

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