Glow Light Tetras Not Eating...


Dec 3, 2005
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I have 6 glowlight tetras in my 20g... they've been in there for 3 days now... look happy enough but not eating. Over the last 2 days (I was told not to feed them during the first 24 hours) I've been feeding small amounts of crushed flake and some 'bloodworms in gel' with no luck: the flake's on the surface but the tetras are staying mainly in the bottom 2/3rds of the tank, occasionally swimming up to the flow from my fluval 2 filter outlet; the bloodworm sinks - it looks to me like they see it dropping down but still not interested.

The tetras are all plump, inquisitive of their surroundings and swimming/active... do they just need more time to acclimatise? These are my first fish in my just cycled tank: all readings are '0' and the PH is the same as the shop the fish came from. The tank is heavily 'live' planted including some floating plants.
They may need more time to acclimatise to thier new surroundings

Try feeding them with the lights off....when i first had my tank most of the fish were more confortable coming out from hiding to feed when the lights were off
My golwlights very rarely come to the surface to feed they just seem to wait for the food to fall down in the tank although they do enjoy bloodworms to some degree I find that mine prefer daphnia and crushed frozen peas.......
Be careful not to pollute the tank adding food. Fish, even small fish like tetras will live perfectly well for over a week without eating. tetras are lower half by and large, and frequently pick and peck at fallen particles. That said, Glowlights are quite greedy feeders, so if they are still not obviously eating after a week, you may well have problems, but by that stage, I would expect to see other symptoms.

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