Glow light tetra emergency!

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Put some vegs in for the BN's that won't immediately pollute the water. Young BN's also need protein to (out)grow.

Ugrading soon? How soon is soon?

If fish are poisoned by a certain compound in the water the last I'd worry about is shock by a huge waterchange. In emergencycases that is the first thing to do and safe fish.

What did you meant to treat with salt in this case btw ?
Yeah I feed them boiled zucchini and cucumber. Soon is within the next 4 months. I heard they need more space so I'm looking to buy a friend's 340 letre since I want to get some upside down catfish too. And I treated the sick one in a salt bath. A fish friend told me it's good to help with healing and can stop infections like scale rot happening in cases where the fish has lost its tail fins.
Most of the people on here will not be thinking that. We were all beginners at one point in time and we all go through the same mistakes. The more seasoned fish keepers try to steer people in the right direction so you don't make the same mistakes we did. The fact you came here asking for help, shows you care about your fish :)

When it comes to feeding fish, if in doubt, feed less. Fish don't need as much food as people or other land animals and if there is food left over in the morning, try feeding once every second day.

Make sure you have some driftwood and algae for the suckermouth catfish. They need it to help their digestion.
I have a nice big piece of drift wood for them :) here's a pic of my tank. It's a bit cloudy right now because the water change stirred up the sand
The pipe cleaner in the top is just because I'm propigating some pothos to put in the tank. The pipe cleaner is not touching the water (so no rust concerns)
And the crystals in my tank are water safe and non polished. So those are safe too. I did a ton of research lol
Here's a pic of one of my baby plecs deciding eating the zucchini from under it is wayyy smarter than eating the easier side first.
I know it's a huge piece of zucchini. We grow it and have an over abundance so I give them lots and if it goes off in the tank I toss it.


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