Wow, Deanasue, that's harrowing.
Here's the closest thing I have to a ghost story. So, when I was in Scotland, I stayed in a hotel that had been converted from an old (really old, by USA standards) theater. Sometime in the middle of the night, I gradually became aware of a metallic, "Click,,, click...." sound. Suddenly, for no apparent reason, I got a huge adrenaline rush (not the good kind) and came awake with all the hair on my arms and neck standing up. I opened my eyes and saw what looked like a shadow move across the ceiling, except the room was dark and the shadow was light, if that makes any sense (if it does, please explain, as it still doesn't make any sense to me). I jumped out of bed and looked to see if someone was picking my lock. The hall was lit up and there was no one there. I stepped across to the window; no lights, vehicles, or humans in the alley. So I went back to bed and went to sleep. I realized later that the clicking sound had stopped the moment I got out of bed and never came back, so I don't think it was some sort of pipe noise or electrical malfunction.
I'm sure there's a good explanation for that one, but to this day I don't know what it might be.