Gallaghers Orca Journal :)

The increased volume will up your stocking levels...just a matter of getting species that fit, size wise in the orca now..goby/shrimp pair or any smaller sized fish species
Any updates?

ahh, yer, its been a verry long time, almost forgot i had this journal :p

I still have no big corals,just a couple of zoa things thanks to bollands :) and a small mushroom that came on the LR. id rather wait for the tank to mature, rather than put one it and have it crash the tank :S. So, i have fish-wise: 2 clowns, green clown goby. Also i have 3 hermits, 2 turbo snails and a starfish which i think is a brittle an the guy at heritage recommended it, so i hope its ok :S + a varying population of copepod things which randomly appear, and those slug like things which i forgot their name :p :S which hitchhiked.

Also, i have a question, as you'll see in the video, theres a ton of green stuff growing which i think looks quite nice. What is it, and is it detrimental to the fish ?

rather than upload a ton of pictures which may be annoying for you, and mainly because i forgot my photo-bucket account, ive decided to make a movie of my tank and have uploaded it to youtube. Also, if your interested, on my youtube account you can see the videos i took of fish in egypt, including a whale shark :)

heres the link to the vid :
sorry about the cheesy music, i mainly used this vid to play around with imovie on the mac :p and also it was filmed on blackberry so not fantastic quality lol
Nice video - starfish imo looks like a sand sifting star fish - which is totally unsuitable for your tank, he will slowly starve, leave him some nori on the sandbed and hope he finds it, you will have to weigh it down with something.

The green stuff looks like chaeto - a macro algae, so no, not harmful to your tank

What are your plans ?

Seffie x
That green stuff looks like Cheato. google it and double check.

Its great for removing Nitrate and phosphates, though it can and will overtake your tank.


For my tank, i am going to keep some in a box with holes at the back of the tank. Maybe, thats a possibility?

Edit: LOL, seffie your fast!
ah, ok thanks guys. I will get the starfish out of there asap then, i dont want him hurt, or crashing the tank :S

well, im in debt to the parents at the moment, but i have 20£ lfs voucher and once ive paid off parents in about three weeks i will have a income again :)

sooo my plans are to get the gcg out of there, because a) im terrified hes going to starve to death, as he is so hard to feed. b) i never see him, and when i do he looks skinny :( and c) it will hopefully free up some space for some more colourful/lively livestock. I would like to add some corals, preferably something for the clowns to host in since i cant keep nems, and as i previously said, i would like a more lively fish :) any suggestions fishwise?

btw, did you watch/enjoy my other fish videos from egypt :)

Id say maybe a yellow watchman Goby, if tank permits?

And yep, i had a nosy at the vids from Egypt.... WOW! Looks well cool!, sharm el sheikh was it, yeh?
lol, yer it was sharm, last summer, and thanks seffie :)

yellow watchmen goby sounds nice, im just worried if he decides to dig his hole at the back of the tank where i cant see him, which, knowing my luck, is highly likely :S

Personally, i like the 6-line, pajama wrasse, but i heard they can be aggressive? i think its such shame i cant keep cleaner wrasse, i love them, but i would hate one to starve :( they would be my ideal choice.

btw, im not sure if it is cheato, ive look at some pics and it seems to have thinner leaves than the stuff i have, and appears more stringy. the stuff i have kind of resembles a minituare version of kelp?
also, i think i might be up for getting some corals once the snows cleared :) any suggestions. I have the stock orca light, an have a mushroom and zoas. Id like something for the clowns if poss?
They often like xenia, long polyped toadstools or maybe even a euphyllia :good:, hairy mushrooms might work as well

Seffie x

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