right, ok , at the moment my room is being decoratred, so i had to move my 60l tropical tank downstairs (hardwork!) and although i had my orca could not set it up til the decoratind is done. Well, my room is almost done now which means tank sonn !!!!!!
ive started this journal already to keep all my questions ??? in one place rather than all over the forum. I brought my orca for £50 with a stand, an upgraded skimmer and the moonlight LEDs. all i (think i) need now is:
Live rock
Water which i am going to get from LFS
Sand- not using live sand, waste of money imo but im not sure weather to get kids play sand or proper aquarium sand ???
CUC- need help choosing...
FISH - due to the mixed opinions on clowns in the 450 im going to proball start with a sixline wrasse and base my next purchase on my tank stats and how confident i feel
umm yer thats about it, but i really cant wait to set it up
ive started this journal already to keep all my questions ??? in one place rather than all over the forum. I brought my orca for £50 with a stand, an upgraded skimmer and the moonlight LEDs. all i (think i) need now is:
Live rock
Water which i am going to get from LFS
Sand- not using live sand, waste of money imo but im not sure weather to get kids play sand or proper aquarium sand ???
CUC- need help choosing...
FISH - due to the mixed opinions on clowns in the 450 im going to proball start with a sixline wrasse and base my next purchase on my tank stats and how confident i feel
umm yer thats about it, but i really cant wait to set it up