Funks Rio 125 Endeavour!

i would give it another few days mate just to see if your ammonia and nitite totally drop.
Cheers Harry, looking at the trug I have I may be pushing it a little with 35L .... may do 30 instead...

i would give it another few days mate just to see if your ammonia and nitite totally drop.

Yup was going to leave it for the moment, I may mix the water up tonight so i've got it ready for friday / saturday then I may go shopping on the sunday if all is looking good :good:

The Salifert Ammonia test I have seems difficult to read for anything below < 0.25, I think both Harry and Nat mentioned it in their threads too?
I think you can make it more sensitive somehow but I don't use salifert so it may not be right :)
Been falling behind due to work commitments :(

Anyway! Test results for the last two days have been pretty much the same, although for whatever reason SG has jumped slightly. I'm thinking i'm ready for the waterchange though.


SG: 1.023
ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.025-0.05
Nitrate: 5-10
Ammonia: 0 - 0.25


Sg: 1.024-1.025
ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.025-0.05
Nitrate: 5-10
Ammonia: 0 - 0.25

What do you guys think? I'm planning on a 20L water change as its all the RO i've got left! Need to go and pick some more up!

edit - Adding a couple of photos...




...excuse the reflection in that one! :p
Well water change is done, could only manage the 20l in the end :( sg is back up a bit too quick but I plan on bringing it back down by 0.001 later with a top up.

Results prior to shopping...

Sg: 1.026
Ph: 8
Nitrite: 0-0.001
Nitrate: 5-10
Ammonia: <0.25
Please excuse me if im being a bit dim! Just trying to catch up............BUT, your cycle isnt finished, so why the water change and the cyano, needs more oxygen along the sand bed. can you lower a powerhead so you have more flow along the sand?
ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.025
Nitrate: 5
Ammonia: < 0.25

Will move the power head first thing tomorrow, at the moment it's on the left tank side pointing to the right hand side of the tank. With regards to the water change the nitrite was showing up as 0 on the medium range and borderline 0<0.01 on the high sensitivity. With the salifert test should the higher sensitivity for nitrite be totally clear?
ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.025
Nitrate: 5-10
Ammonia: < 0.25

No movement since yesterday really :(
Another day, another test result that's the same as yesterday! :p

ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.025
Nitrate: 5-10
Ammonia: < 0.25
Bit more progress today I think...

ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.01-0.025
Nitrate: 5-10
Ammonia: < 0.25

ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.01-0.025
Nitrate: 5-10
Ammonia: < 0.25


ph: 8-8.3 (possibly due to me adding the remaining sand)
Nitrite: 0.01-0.025
Nitrate: 10-25
Ammonia: < 0.25 (Salifer Test) 0 on alternative test (not sure of brand will look in a sec)

Well the nitrites and ammonia have pretty much remained the same, however I've got hold of another ammonia test kit which is showing 0 so it's confirmed my ammonia results for the last few weeks have pretty much been under 0.25 if not 0 all along.

I'm thinking I may be having the same issues with the nitrites so will be taking a water sample to the LFS to get them to do a range of tests to confirm my results.
Well another set of tests today and I'm pretty happy I'm right with what I said yesterday....

ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.01-0.025
Nitrate: 25-50
Ammonia: 0

I'm going to take a water sample to the LFS tomorrow to see if they can do me a nitrite test, if not I'll just get an alternative test kit. Are there any other good alternatives to Salifert for Nitrite?

I'm also very close to buying some extra flaps for the tank and getting the new Juwel Protein Skimmer!
Well just popped over the LFS and they did a full set of tests said everything looks spot on, so I'm at a bit of a loss at what to do now! They were using API tests, I know people on here have mixed reviews of them?

Most reactions
