Long time no see - Rio 125 low tech

Yeah, not sure where you're based but if you're in the states I don't know if the Google Pixel is on sale over there, in the grand scheme the camera is very good, but fish have always been difficult to take photos of. I use no flash, just tank lights and a dark room
Is that the new cam that takes 3 pics & integrates them to create depth of field?
Thanks guys, been away for the weekend and came home to 9 dead Neon Tetras and 2 dead Flame Tetras, something not right, water parameters are all good so done a massive water change, wondering whether the rams have been getting territorial or whether the Neons were carrying something when I introduced them 😩
I am so very sorry to hear this & am confident a moderator or other experienced person will have some useful advice.
I should have quarantined the new fish but space doesn't permit a new QT tank, going to keep an eye on them over the next couple of days and see what happens, the others look fine and healthy enough. The rams I have seen getting quite aggressive, pretty certain I have two males, seen them lip locking a few times, I may return one.
Well the dead tetra mystery is solved, they were small enough to squeeze into the filter and not strong enough to get out, as I found today when changing the floss, I assume they became exhausted and died in there, a few were still hanging in, have put them back in the open tank but I doubt they'll survive, I'll be getting a grate for it either way, I may replace them with barb's instead.
So all of the neons died, I'm still convinced they were weak as anything as everyone else is fine and water parameters are good, I may look to replace them with cardinal tetras or something a bit more robust. Rams are fairly happy and my suspicion of having two males seems to be correct. I found one platy fry the other day too which is pretty inevitable given I have all females. Hopefully the rams will keep their population in check until their sperm reserves dry up...


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Hi all

Just a quick update, added 12 cherry barb's, good mix of males and females, such an underated fish for sure, they are stunning! Plenty of growth, algae is all but gone now too, looking to add more Crypts and some dwarf Sag as soon as I'm.able to find any!


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Hi all

Just a quick FTS, need more mid-ground plants have moved some crypts round a bit also, I took the rotala out as it was getting too leggy.

Cherry barb's are spawning most morning though all eggs are being eaten, fast becoming a firm favourite fish of mine, the males are a stunning deep ruby red.


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Thank you, the background plants are hygrophila polysperma. Grows like weeds!
Thank you, the background plants are hygrophila polysperma. Grows like weeds!
Thanks! They look really nice so I may try to find some for my tank once I rearrange my decor

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