Funks Rio 125 Endeavour!

Did another set of tests in the evening which gave the following back..

ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.01
Nitrate: 25-50
Ammonia: 0

So I'm thinking I'm ready for the water change, In order to get those nitrates down. Again the salifert test for nitrite returned a trace of nitrite, going to test that again before I do the water change later today.
Just had another sample tested with another nitrite test kit, this time a JBL one which is meant to be good. Apparently the nitrite is bob on and I was told by the LFS it looked fine. They mentioned that in marine tanks there is always a trace of nitrite so 0.01 was nothing to be worried about. As I said it's been pretty stable and nitrates have started going up and up so I'm pretty much thinking I'm done, keep getting conflicting bits of info from people though! It's hard to make a decision!
They were my thoughts, deffinetly said nitrite though
Just been doing some more digging now, I've found a couple of oata docs that say 0.125 nitrite is a safe level?

Edit - I've decided to leave the water change for now but with nitrates going as high as they are, how much higher can I let them go? I've got a fair amount of life in the rock, loads of small star fish of different types, fan worms amongst other critters, I don't want to end up killing them off whilst waiting for the 0.01 nitrite drops off, especially with ammonia being 0?
I would do a water change and then add your first fish or two. It looks to me like your tank has cycled now and its more of an inaccurate test kit. I think i've read that correctly!
I've held off from doing the change and will test again tonight :)

I was going to leave adding fish another week and just slowly add more CUC after the water change.
Well I've just tested again as promised as it's the same again!

ph: 8
Nitrite: 0.01
Nitrate: 25-50
Ammonia: 0

I'm going to have a fiddle with the rock tonight and get it how I want, water change tomorrow then over the next few days a slim skim will be ordered and the juwel box torn out (unless it fits snugly!). I'm planning on ordering another powerhead too, I've been suffering with brown all over the sand probably due to the lack of flow, I'm thinking that the sun sun I have isn't enough even if it is rated at 2500. Was going to get a 900 to go with it?

With the lack of sump I'm getting very tempted to introduce a canister filter but have heard horror stories of them starting to leak! Having only just done out the living room it's not something I want to risk!!!
I have a fluval cannaster - very benefitial!! I haven't heard of them leak and hope mine doesn't!!! :S

Your tanks slowly coming on!! Hows the CUC? still moving around and eating??

Another powerhead sounds good, but don't over flow - some corals might get upset in the future. It's a judgement thing!! :)
I've not added any more CUC since the couple of tiny hermits and snails, they're all plodding along nicely. Still not done that water change, the nitrite content is getting closer to white/clear than the purply 0.01 reading i've been getting.

I've caught a bug this morning sitting in a hole on the side of my toadstool, I know the picture below isn't great but do you have any idea what it is and how to get rid or at least stop it from feasting on the toadstool?! :blink: would a pair of clowns have a nibble on little beasts like this?


Also had an aquascape prior to doing the water change so hopefully I'll be getting some more CUC then a couple of clowns - will get some pictures up of the new scape tonight.

Must admit i'm sad I can't mix them with damsels! Saw some lovely blue velvet damsels in the LFS but they're meant to be the worst of the bunch for fighting so its a no go with clowns.
Velvet? Neon velvet damsel? They are WELL cool. But very very aggressive!!
I've been filling out a spreadsheet of my levels and i'm thinking i'm cycled taking into consideration what a few LFS have said after testing my nitrites and looking at the graphs.


I'm thinking that the trace of nitrite the salifer test is picking up is just down to me being a bit to over sensitive to the tinge of the water sample, better safe than sorry though :good:

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