Full-On Overhaul Journal

OK. I did it!!! I have scrubbed, bleached, rinsed, and rinsed, and rinsed sand, my tank, filter, EVERYTHINGGGG :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: The fish TB should be gone. If it isn't then just punch me please. There's nothing more I can possibly do. If the bacteria can live through the cleaning I just did then I will sell everything.

I changed the way I placed the wood and I have the shape I wanted. This is where I am worried. Once I finished planting everything I realized that I had a lovely valley going on. Then I looked at your Journal AlmostAwesome and I was worried that I look like a big fat copy cat. Especially since I write on your thread so often. You must have sub-consciously inspired me. I really hope you don't mind that.

No worries...I did lose half of my plants after all, by the time I replace them I will be quite heavily planted. I am keeping the concave shape however, my 75g will be convex which will keep things polar. High-Tech vs. Low tech. You get the idea...

Enough babbling....I have started a new journal hereas I am all about fresh starts right now.

This road has branched.
lol, well done on getting everything sorted! You are a big fat copy cat and I hate you!

:p juuuust kidding! I loves you!

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