Full-On Overhaul Journal

Thanks. :lol: Nothing compared to your lovely tanks!

I am really starting to crave a few smaller tanks so I can play around with aquascaping. The larger tanks are so much harder and more expensive, so I really can't play around like I want. I wonder if a 10g is a good size for a practice tank. The substrate would be cheap in a tank that size but I'm worried it's not tall enough.

I am planning to remove the gaudy white rocks and the terracotta pot. I need to fill the space where the rocks are.

Any ideas? I also wonder if I should be doing more planting the fron. A carpet of grass wouldn't work, it is not growing very fast.
It just depends on the shape of the 10g you get really! Mine is quite square shaped so you get more height.
I have just seen this journal for the first time. Love the transformation! I also blame this forum, once upon a time I had blue gravel and a 'no fishing' sign and now it's all natural :) You should enter your tank for TOTM, you'd have my vote!
:lol: I did but the picture I entered is horrible! I appreciate the comments. I have been a little down in the dumps lately after buying some sick fish that infected all of my tanks :-( My plants are the only thing going right at the moment. :)

May have to keep an eye on auction sites for an odd shaped tank then...I already have a regular sized 10g though.
Thanks. :lol: Nothing compared to your lovely tanks!
I am really starting to crave a few smaller tanks so I can play around with aquascaping. The larger tanks are so much harder and more expensive, so I really can't play around like I want. I wonder if a 10g is a good size for a practice tank. The substrate would be cheap in a tank that size but I'm worried it's not tall enough.
Any ideas? I also wonder if I should be doing more planting the fron. A carpet of grass wouldn't work, it is not growing very fast.

I know what you mean about smaller tanks to practise on, that's why i started my current 15gal one.It's just easier to play around.
a 50% water change takes no time (good for the first 2-3 weeks when i do this daily) and you don't need as many plants to fill the space up, so is cheaper.
When i get the next 2' tank, might try and get one that is wider than it is tall.I've seen some excellent scapes done in these.
The problem with 10gal is the choice of fish is more limited.That's supposed use to be to be the reason for keeping a tank.
Sounds like you're gettin bitten by the same bug as me
I have always done a garden and tons of houseplants, so the plant "bug" already had me, but being military and moving a lot, I can't do my gardens in the ground. Potted gardens are a pain to keep watered and healthy. {Especially in 110 degree summer heat in Texas}

Aquarium gardens however!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: They never lack water :) I may try and find a 20 to be my practice tank in the future {petco has dollar gallon sales sometimes} , but I could play around with my 10g now.

I could always put a betta in and leave it at that. I love the idea of a betta in a fully planted and scaped tank.
Thanks. :lol: Nothing compared to your lovely tanks!
Not that mine is anything special :p

I know what you mean about smaller tanks to practise on, that's why i started my current 15gal one.
the smallest tank I have had has been a 90L, I really want to get a small one to have a play with though :hyper:

Potted gardens are a pain to keep watered and healthy. {Especially in 110 degree summer heat in Texas}
Do you not struggle keeping your tank cool? :blink:
Haven't been through a summer with anything but a betta tank yet. My air condition runs nonstop in the summer and keeps my house around 72-76 degrees. Shouldn't get to hot for the fish, I hope.
I received my Tiger lotus today and some lilaeopsis novaezelandiae "micro sword" Unfortunately it came in this awful but big clump. I am used to it coming potted and it's much more manageable. I wasn't quite sure how to seperate it. It had a very compacted runner system. I just clipped some large sections and planted, it was pretty dry. It's already hot in TX and it was in the mail for a couple days. Good news..I only paid $2 for it and it was about 3 pots worth...if it dies it won't be a huge loss. The tiger lotus however looks awesome...a few leaves left on and were in good shape.

Here's some pics {not the best, it's my kids bedtime so I am rushing around}... Elodea/egeria densa/ anacharis. What is the right name? Anyway, I was a dofus and pruned the egeria right before I took the pictures...there were about 4 stems that were trailing the surface and looking rather lovely, but I was planning to replant the tops, and since my arm was in the tank, I went ahead and cut them.




The little lotus...at what point should I remove the anubias leaves that I put holes in?...they look healthy other then the spot I damaged :sad:

I removed 2 leaves from one of the swords as well that had some melting edges. Not sure why, I have started throwing in a little ferts twice a week when I do my EI tank. I doubt co2. Maybe issues from the antibiotics. My lighting period there might be too long.

One last pic....this snail came on the micro sword...is it a nerite? I threw it in my betta tank right away because the micro sword was dry. It went right up out of the water, no wonder when I just tossed the poor guy in. Surprised it lived with 3 days in a box, in hot early summer weather.


Should I change something about the foreground? The grass looks contrived to me, and growing slow in this tank. Opinions are always welcome since I am learning. Thanks
Just a question ... where did you get the plants? They look incredible!
Thanks :D I got them everywhere! lol Some came online from Foster and smith, some from petco and some from bob's tropical plants....and other places. They were all pretty short when I got them. I am surprised how fast they grow without light and co2 driving them. The ludwiga was shorter then the wood when I first planted it.

I've been lucky that the plants form online came looking so good. They were shipped 2-3 day priority and it's already in the high 80's in TX.
I struggle with foreground stuff.Maybe more in one area, randomly clumped rather than one line left to right.?
Not sure, just a thought.
:good: I think that helps..I'll group it together more and see. At least I know what DOESN'T look good. :)

Someone mentioned snails going out of the water when the quality is bad, so now I am worried about my betta and it's tank. I do 50-60% water changes there because it's a smaller tank, the water should be fine.

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