We have decided that the cories are not a good idea right now. I'm pretty sad over it. The shipping alone was $100 or more. Most of coryologist auctions end at extremely high prices. I wasn't going to have to bid on them, but I was assuming that I would be spending about $300 on them or more even total.
That's a little too much to spend on 6 fish. Not until I have had some better luck and can not be so freaked out. I am going to order a group of rummynoses, my angelfish, BN's, albino cories, and bolivians this week.
Then in a few weeks Ill get all of my espeis. Not sure what fish I am putting in the 46g. Maybe a betta.
Man of Fish, when you ordered from Bob's did you do the priority shipping, or express? I am just wondering if I'll be safe with the priority. I am going to pick up the box at the post office so it won't go out on a mail truck in tx heat.
I ordered priority. His packing was so good they were shipped Monday and I received them Wednesday night and the ice was still cold, but wrapped in newspaper and all bags were nice and full of air.
Plant order #1 arrived today. I am pleased AND angry.
The Alternanthera reineckii/roseafolia Was looking rough. It'S 103 degrees outside so that didn't help. I planted it and it should perk up.
The Mayaca fluviatilis is nice to look at and the store wasn't stingy at all. They sent a huge bunch of it. Plus 5 vallis plants for the price of 1.
I am angry however because the Egeria they sent for my 46g were only 4 inch stems and they were brown!! Then the kicker was the bacopa. It was the ugliest bacopa I have ever seen. I'm going to get a picture just to show the difference between theirs and mine. It's insane. It had better have new pretty growth. AND FAST.
I don't think I like my planting on this tank. I am determined not to mess with it yet though.