From The Ashes. Another Planted Journal

grrrr. I have a problem. This tank is having issues with cycling because of the ph swings. Its not clearing the ammonia as fast as it can somedays and then others the nitrites are slower.
My low tech does great too. I'm just interested in all aspects of aquatic planting. That's really my main interest. It's doing hell on cycling my tank now though.
Well couldn't you add more buffer to the water? If the angels you are planning on keeping are captive raised, most of them do just fine with any water for the most part. I have a friend who is a big angel enthusiast he keeps them on our city tap, which comes out at 8.2 at 10deg GH. It's only the captives and F1s that are super anal about DS. Buffer will help keep your PH swings under control, but I have no idea how that will affect your drop checker/however you measure CO2.
The ph drops because of the co2, not because of my water hardness. Overnight my ph raises to normal and then when the co2 timer clicks on the ph slowly drops through the day. This is normal for a high tech tank. It's only an issue because it seems to be stalling my cycle. I can clone the bacteria from my other tank, but I would need to wait until it is more established.

I am not buying more fish for a month or so, theres no rush.
I know CO2 lowers PH. I was wondering if buffer will help mitigate the drop in PH so it stays more stable. Most CO2 measuring devices work by measuring the PH, so I don't know if buffering the tank will affect your CO2 measurements.

Maybe you could leave the CO2 on at night but just add an airstone, might be a waste of CO2 if you are just going to gas it out but it may prevent the PH swings.
Water tests looked great today, the cycle was just stalled for a day or so. Back on track! :good:
Coryologist just contacted me and he is getting in some C. Sychri next Wednesday. :yahoo: I'm off to figure out how in the heck I can afford them. :D
Plants Ordered :yahoo:

Alternanthera reineckii roseafolia :#

Mayaca fluviatilis

Hydrocotyle leucocephala {even though previous experience was annoying}

Hygrophila Kompakt {unsure how I will like this in this scape. }

Phyllanthus Fluitans :lol: I don't want too many floating or they will block the light from the other plants, but a few red floating lovelies will be pretty.

Cabomba pulcherrima {Purple Cabomba for a touch of darker green.
Oh and Vallis of course.

That covers all of my possible needs for coloring. Reds, limes, darker greens. I like alot of color/texture contrast, hopefully I can achieve that now.


I doubt I will need or use all of these plants so I may be listing some things when I get the tank sorted out.
ooo been googlin' - perty plants! Can't wait to see it all come together!
Bob's Tropicals is getting more highly recommended at every turn. I am placing an order with them next week. They have gone out of their way to get me some Bolivian Rams. I am getting a load of rummynose tetras, I hope I am happy with them, I haven't seen them in person.

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