Melfice: most of the tanks have fake plants, except for a couple of the betta tanks, the tenner and the 45 gallon. They are all the same plant too
all from one little sprig that was in a betta tank about 4 months ago, just kept pruning and replanting the thing and now it is everywhere!
In the other tanks, if I were to have live plants, the fish would just destroy them
Rudy2860: Thank you for identifying them for me
fish keeper sharks and mollies: Affording them......lets not talk about that right now
(affording is never an option in a good addiction type scenario) they are sort of paying for themselves at the moment, babies, babies, for breeding them....ever heard of the birds and the bees? or Barry White?
Cheese Specialist: all I can say is, do so want your MTS too be at this rate!
I just wish I had room for more!
RYO: thank you for the compliments, I really like the tenner as well, although I still think it looks funny sitting between the 90 and 180.
suemack: thank you for always having such nice comments and thank you for the nomination
Cheese Specialist: of course you can use the tenner as inspiration, that's a compliment in itself!
FanOFish: No this is not my full time job, unfortunately, I have to work at a stupid boring job during the day
...impatiently waiting to come home to my tanks and my girl.....
As for the tanks being clean, they are clean all the time, not just on picture day
I do this with help from Mr. Python and my massive crew of loaches, plecos and Mag-Floats...heh heh
Idolz: I don't win the!!!
Thanks for the compliment
lucky62: lol @ ATTABOY....
as for fitting them all, let's just say there isn't much more of anything other than tanks in here....
) Also, I just started using a tripod for the tank pics, amazing what a difference it makes, even if you DO have steady hands
Auratus: Yes Kuzco is very happy, he builds the biggest bubble nests I have ever seen!

Rudy2860: Thank you for identifying them for me

fish keeper sharks and mollies: Affording them......lets not talk about that right now

Cheese Specialist: all I can say is, do so want your MTS too be at this rate!

RYO: thank you for the compliments, I really like the tenner as well, although I still think it looks funny sitting between the 90 and 180.

suemack: thank you for always having such nice comments and thank you for the nomination

Cheese Specialist: of course you can use the tenner as inspiration, that's a compliment in itself!
FanOFish: No this is not my full time job, unfortunately, I have to work at a stupid boring job during the day

Idolz: I don't win the!!!

lucky62: lol @ ATTABOY....

Auratus: Yes Kuzco is very happy, he builds the biggest bubble nests I have ever seen!