Freshmikes Tanks

...and the second 45 gallon. :p

The keeper of the parents of most of my babies, has demasoni, hybrid yellows, yo-yo loaches, zebra loaches. red tailed black shark and a L-001 pleco. ;)

Aquaclear 500 (soon emperor 400) and ebo-jager 175 watt. :D


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This is my favorite tank at the's just so active and the fish are awesome! :wub: :wub: :wub:

My 50 gallon. Soon I want to treat these little buddies to a new tank, thinking a 125 gallon, just have to decide where I want to put it....probably outside, seeing as there just isn't anymore room in here :lol: :lol: :lol:

In this tank are mainano, mpanga, acei, msobo, saulosi, polit, crown roaches, flying foxes and a sailfin pleco :D

Aquaclear 500 (soon to be emperor 400 also) and ebo jager 200 watt. :thumbs:


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Next is the 90, the bringer of the sickness :lol: :lol:

This was my first "big" tank after only having a ten gallon for a few years and then upgrading to a 20 for the next couple of years.... -_-
I also like to refer to this tank as the hostile, due to how many fish have been moved in and out of it, the only ones that have stayed throughout it all are the O.B.'s and they will never leave! :D

In this tank are the O.B.'s of course (some full grown babies as well) Yellows, ruby red peacocks, perlmutts, tiger loaches, yo-yo loaches, sailfin plecos, clown plecos and a cuckoo cat that was given to me by a friend. :D

Aquaclear 500, Fluval 404 and ebo-jager 250 watt. 8)


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.....last but definately not least.....the monster of the 180 gallon. :hyper:

I sold my 1977 Corvette to buy this thing....need I say more? heh heh :lol: :wub:

As with many of the other tanks, I built the stand for this one, looked around at stands at stores, from the iron ones to the full out wood ones and decided they either looked too flimsy or were just way too much money for what they were worth, so for half the price of buying an iron stand I built a full out 200 lb wood one, can't see it in the pic, but I am sure you have seen it at one point in time :p
This tank is by far the baby of the house, not my favorite at the moment due to the stress it has given me in the past while....(fronts beating the heck out of each other) but I love it all the same.... :wub:

In this tank are 7 kigoma frontosa, 5 burundi frontosa, 2 fryeri, 5 Aulonocara hansbaenschi, Julidichromis marlieri, leleupi, Savoryi, crown roaches, cuckoo cats (3), queen arabesque plecos, gold nugget plecos, king tiger pleco, tiger pleco, royal panaque and the cleaning crue (yes crue) the sailfin plecos... :wub: :wub: :wub:

Fluval 404 x 2 Powerhead 802 (no media) and ebo-jager 250 watt x 2. :D


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...all and any comments welcome! :D :D :D


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Man I was refreshing the page for nearly an hour waiting to see them all!! :lol:

Fantastic. :thumbs:

You are living the dream. I hope to one day own cichlids like that. :)

That 180 is just perfect. :thumbs: must consume a HUGE part of your life!! You have many tanks, all clean I must do you do it?? Honestly...woah....I have a hard time keeping 2 tanks clean and fed and my 2 kids clean and fed and my 2 dogs fed - Clean?? Ya right! - Oh, ya and my 3 cats but they are pretty clean themselves. Oh and my husband.....UGHH! Keeping them clean is the hardest of all!! :rofl: :rofl:

Great looking tanks, you do a wonderful job being a proud and responsible fish owner.

By the had a 77 Corvette........ :eek: :-( ....And you sold it... :eek: :byebye: :sly: :S ......Was it a Stingray??

I am jealous beyond all words 8)

why did you have to do this sso late i was up till past 1:00 waiting to see them all, but guess it was worth it very nice tanks, and pictures i'm sure everyone will say that but i did it,,,,,,,,,,, third
silver said: must consume a HUGE part of your life!! You have many tanks, all clean I must do you do it?? Honestly...woah....I have a hard time keeping 2 tanks clean and fed and my 2 kids clean and fed and my 2 dogs fed - Clean?? Ya right! - Oh, ya and my 3 cats but they are pretty clean themselves. Oh and my husband.....UGHH! Keeping them clean is the hardest of all!! :rofl: :rofl:

Great looking tanks, you do a wonderful job being a proud and responsible fish owner.

By the had a 77 Corvette........ :eek: :-( ....And you sold it... :eek: :byebye: :sly: :S ......Was it a Stingray??

I am jealous beyond all words 8)

Well, you can be jealous of me all you want :p .....however, I am jealous of you as live in Washington. :/ :X :lol:

Thanx for the compliments :D
freshmike said:
.....however, I am jealous of you as live in Washington. :/ :X :lol:
awwww, what a charmer :wub: :hey:

Fantastic pics, Chris :thumbs: :thumbs:

I was refreshing like crazy too, waiting for the clear to post :lol:
Very nice Freshmike! Are you using real plants or fake ones? 180 Gallon owns! Thanks for sharing the pictures :)
50 is my fave too then the planted... never been much for the 180.

Where was my girl in all these? the one with the beautiful tail? brichardi right?
The 180 has to be my favourite. love the frontosa's. :thumbs: all the tanks look great though. didn't realise you had so many.

ste :)
i love all the tanks!!!

how do you fit them all into your apartment? :lol:

i don't know which would be my favourite...the 180...or your 45 Gallon Discus tank, i want mine to look just like that!!!
Adrinal said:
50 is my fave too then the planted... never been much for the 180.

Where was my girl in all these? the one with the beautiful tail? brichardi right?
She is in the 90 gallon and her man is in the 180. :p

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