wow mike, truly beautiful tanks man!. You could go abouts oepning a public aquarium by now and make some money of it or even rent the room as a meeting place .
I didn't know you did so much breeding... that's how you pay for these things. Very smart.
If I remember correctly, you have some huge clown loaches, don't you? Have you ever thought about trying to get them to breed? Or are they not big enough yet? If you could pull off a clown loach spawn you could make a great deal of money, not to mention becoming a legend in the fish world.
They are all absolutely amazing!I was yelling for my husband "OMG-look at this tank, wait comeback! Look at this one, and this one OMG!!!" Your cichlid tanks are definately an inspiration and I love your bettas. Max is gorgeous!
oh my goshh!! those tanks are perfect beautys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats on all of them! and not to mention that theyre lovely too i really like them! hope one day i could do the same! when i own my house obviously cuz theres noooooo way my parents let me....
just wondering, you dont have to answer but it would be nice. how much did that 180 end up costing you? sama: (were did that face come from? just felt like doing that lol)
Errm....the tank was 500 with tops...160 for lights....300 for filters...100 for powerheads....100 for gravel....80 for heaters....25 for air pump....the stand is homemade and ended up costing around 200 to make, if I remember were free. I think thats everything....except for the fish.
Looks like $1465.00...I am probably off by a bit though. )