Fred's 5.5 Gallon Cube Journal

where did you get your lights from if you dont mind me asking?

Not sure if Radar got them from here but most people seem to be getting them on eBay at the moment (they are shipped from Hong Kong/Greece though so will take a while to get here).

Here is a link to a old one - click me

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where did you get your lights from if you dont mind me asking?

Not sure if Radar got them from here but most people seem to be getting them on eBay at the moment (they are shipped from Hong Kong/Greece though so will take a while to get here).

Here is a link to a old one - click me


cheers cheap stuff there including the waterfall/filter i wont.
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your nano looked great

shame whats happend though

where did you get your lights from if you dont mind me asking?

Thanks, i shall hopefully regain control of the tank and carry on.

This is the extra light I bought.
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I second the addition of more fast-growing stemplants. Though 100% of your substrate is covered, at least half of that is covered with a relatively slow-growing plant. Hornwort should work well for you, and Egeria densa also does well as a floater.
Thanks lljdma06, I will see what I can do. I think ill go with hornwort.
The tank was unvailed and........... everything is sparkly clean! No algae (even the thread algae that came on some of the plants)! Team work by no light and the nerite snails. There are a few brown bits of hairgrass but i expected that. Fish, shrimp and nerites are fine thank god. I havnt yet got the RO water to make the KNO3 solution but should do tomorrow. An HOB filter has been added and circulation is great now. Ive filled the water level up so there isnt so much surface aggitation.

I seem to have quite a few snails now :blink: They arent bothering me though. Quite cute lol

Heres some pics..






That is a very nice result for you. It is good to see photographic evidence of this method working.
Nice one Fred. Keep up your NO3 dosing and substrate maintenance and you should keep the BGA away.

I always see BGA creeping up the substrate from the front glass. If you get this try using a credit card and slide between the substrate and glass. Disturbing it like this tends to stop it from reaching the main water column.

FYI I understand that all substrates have BGA in them to some degree, so it's a matter of ensuring it stays there by using good maintenance.

Interesting how your galaxies stay so low in the water, do they enter mid or high water?
Glad it all worked out and everything survived, im hoping to get some galaxies how much did you pay for them?I just planted a load of dwarf hairgrass too!!

One tip though I see you have ramshorn snails, they dont eat plants but can very quickly over run a tank and lay unsightly eggs everywhere.
Yes, and glad the fish made it through in one piece too.

The wood looks great!

Congratulations on succeed in fighting algae. :)

Thank you guys! :D

Nice one Fred. Keep up your NO3 dosing and substrate maintenance and you should keep the BGA away.

I always see BGA creeping up the substrate from the front glass. If you get this try using a credit card and slide between the substrate and glass. Disturbing it like this tends to stop it from reaching the main water column.

FYI I understand that all substrates have BGA in them to some degree, so it's a matter of ensuring it stays there by using good maintenance.

Interesting how your galaxies stay so low in the water, do they enter mid or high water?

Thanks George. A question about the KNO3 solution. Do I have to use RO water? Or can I do something to the water to get rid of any nasties that may make the solution inaccurate? I cant get RO water until Sunday. Thanks for the tip. Ive got sand as substrate so what sort of maintenance should I do? Sorry about all the questions.
The galaxies mainly stay around the bottom but are slowly venturing to middle now. Hardly ever high. Maybe to get food.

Glad it all worked out and everything survived, im hoping to get some galaxies how much did you pay for them?I just planted a load of dwarf hairgrass too!!

One tip though I see you have ramshorn snails, they dont eat plants but can very quickly over run a tank and lay unsightly eggs everywhere.

Thanks ~T~, i payed £20 for 6. A good price and the shop I got them from has only had one galaxy death. Theyre little stong tanks these fish. Hairgrass is great.
Ah, yes the snails. I have seen only one patch of eggs but I will be getting rid of some soon as they are quickly multiplying. :shifty: A friend of mine has hungry Dwarf Puffers.

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