Fishless Cycle


New Member
Jul 28, 2007
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Hello all-

My latest #'s are as follows-

put ammonia in to equal ammonia = 5

13hrs later Nitrite = 0
Ammonia = 1

I would have thought that the ammonia would drop to zero before the nitrite? Otherwise do you think I am heading in the right direction?

Sounds ok, need to put in some more ammonia now
How long have you been cycling? Do you have live plants? What kind of filter do you have and what type media (sponges, carbon, etc.) do you have? Are you using any type chemicals?
How long have you been cycling? Do you have live plants? What kind of filter do you have and what type media (sponges, carbon, etc.) do you have? Are you using any type chemicals?

It feels like I have been cycling for about 10 yrs.....actually it has been about 1 month.

fluval 205 canister (media is a combo of the filter sponge and those bio-rocks (whatever came with the fluval unit)

I have one single plant about 3 inches high, don't know what kind.

no chemicals except the chlor-out.

I did use media from a different tank in the beginning.

It is taking quite a while but hey, some tanks take longer than others. How long does it take the ammonia to go down to 0ppm after you add about 5-6ppm?
It souns like you are there. As long as it is dropping back you should be good to add fish. The reason you aren't seeing nitrite is that there is enough bacteria to process the nitrite as it is produced from ammonia so it is never measurable.
Well I think I am there-

I checked after 12 hours tonight and both ammonia and nitrites were ZERO. I added more ammonia and when I get home in the morning I will check again which will be roughly a 11 hour gap.


I agree with RDD, I think you are there. Just keep adding ammonia until you are ready to add fish otherwise the bacteria will die off.

A big congratulations.

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