Fishless Cycle Starting Today

12 hours after 3ml NH3 (2ppm) added this morning...NH3 0; NO2 0.25 :hyper: NO2 has picked up rate of conversion for the same dose of NH3 (3ml) over the last 3 measurements, from 24hrs on the 26th, to 16 hours yesterday, and 12 hours today to 0.25ppm (yesterday after 11 hours the NO2 was still 1-2ppm).

Doing NH3 again tomorrow morning to around 2ppm to confirm that that level is converting through in around 12 hours; then will up NH3 to 3ppm monday morning and see how long that takes to clear. Fingers and all other bits crossed as usual...

NO3; 40-80ppm.
3ppm ammonia clearing 12 hours later; nitrite reducing to 0.25 in 14 hours, tantalisingly close! Nitrates still showing 40-80ppm so not doing water change...if it goes higher than 80ppm I will do a water change to reduce risk of a high nitrate stall.

NH3 to 4ppm this morning...aimed for 3 but half-asleep
As the chap from star wars said "almost there" (death star trench run!)

:lol: and not a fish in sight! I bet theres some methane as well as ammonia wafting about in that cockpit!!

(interesting fact...did you know that in Malawi the government proposed that public farting should be made illegal?? I wonder how you would prove that 'It was him, officer, not me'?) :lol:
brilliant!...quite a few of us at the last hurdle; if you're like me you are planning and hunting for those required fishy friends!!
going for a group of hoplo cats (thoracatas), a couple of raphaels (spotted), a couple of Thorichthys cichlids (aureus if I can get them or ellioti) and a dozen or so Ilyodon xantusi splitfins courtesy of NObody Of The Goat, a local fellow forumite who has had babies! (not personally of course)

Ordered the catfish online through TF2YD website and so just trying to source the cichlids...

Must remain patient...but at the 11th hour I just want to get going!
12 hours later after higher dose of 6ml NH3 took the tank to NH3, NO2 at 1-2ppm

16 hours, down to 0.5ppm...come on you nitrobacs!
12 hours later after higher dose of 6ml NH3 took the tank to NH3, NO2 at 1-2ppm

How many days/weeks is it now? I've lost track.

first added ammonia on 2nd april so its doing well, I'm just bloody impatient!! :angry: :lol:
I did go heavy on the NH3 this morning so not surprised it was a bit pink (used the Salifert test as I lose it on the API chart around 2ppm); I'm hoping for a further drop before bed which will be in keeping with the last few days and would indicate I need it to speed up by about 4 hours...

how is yours reading now?
Ammonia disappears practically before I've finished putting it in - 4 hours to 0. Nitrites 0.1 which I think would probably class as sorted but I would like to get a clear colour rather than pink tinge. Am I being ridiculous??

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