Funny, I was hoping for a magical 0 tonight after two detected movements (so impatient!), but no, NO2 is on 1-2ppm after 12 hours...I'm just happy to see it change over 24hrs so hope for a repeat tomorrow morning. The NH3 dose was a little heavier this morning and I feel its around 0.25 after 12 hours, but happy with that as it is now virtually clearing in 12 hours and has been for over 10 days so I think I'm there with NH3. the higher dose assumedly will effect NO2 clearance time...
gforce17 - I have been at it now for 3.5 weeks since the first addition of ammonia; I have been doing large almost daily water changes to keep the nitrite spike low so that I could read the first sign of change, which was over a 24 hour period, four days ago (three weeks into the cycle). Although only over 24 hours, it is good to see and be able to measure the change! My nitrites have never been over 3ppm since I started doing the big daily water changes (which I started when the ammonia was clearing in 12 hours and the nitrite spike started to climb!). I also haven't been dosing NH3 to 5ppm, keeping it in the 2ppm area since it began clearing in 12 hours (2ml added to get this in my tank). I also dropped the water level in the tank so that there is lots of O2 in there through airstone and filter outlet water falling onto water surface. Am now increasing NH3 to 3ml dose to see how quickly the higher dose cleared (2ppm to 0.25ppm in 12 hours today).
I do hope I don't have 8 weeks to wait...I can sympathise with your wife! But it sounds like your wait is nearly over - good luck to you!!
AlmOstAwesome - thanks for the comment and hope grows daily!