Fishheaded's Nano Tank


Fish Crazy
Jul 25, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix, AZ
Hey everyone, finally got my tank 10g up and running. :D

Yesterday I got 13 lbs of cured live rock from my lfs, made the saltwater, and put it in my tank with the heater, filter, and powerhead on. It was cloudy for about a hour and a half, then it became really clear, but then now there are little particles floating everywhere, they look like little tiny dots. I thought it was salt that was not mixed well, so I tried to stir it up but still, particles floating around. Can anyone help me? Heres some pics: (Sorry for such big, horrible pictures)





I tried taking pictures of the spectacles floating around but, you can really see it in the picture, but it is very visible in person. Anyone please help! :X

:blush: Here's the expenses:

$149.51 10 Gallon Flat Back Hex
$102.64 Stand
$28.08 Maxi-Jet 400 Pump/Powerhead
$32.33 AquaClear Power Filter 30
$103.89 64 Watt Lighting
$32.33 50 Watt Stealth Heater
$26.99 Testing Kit
$14.99 Instant Ocean Hydrometer
$7.02 Acrylic Mini Mag-Float
$10.99 Coralife Digital Thermometer
$42.12 Aqua Light One Watt Blue Moon-Light

$13.99 Instant Ocean Salt Mix
$66.84 13 Lbs of Live Rock
$22.68 10 Lbs of Live Sand

The tiny dots are normal, as for the expenses the tank is wow! I never bought a hex so im not sure, but you got amazing pieces of rock so big! :hyper: . Hmm in some cases that would sound so weird. :rolleyes:

>>not homo<<
Looks great. THe white specs you see in some cases are actually tiny pod life, and other times just dead organic matter. They're very normal in nano tanks. Really the only way to get rid of them that I know of are either a refugium jam packed with chaeto, or an ozone sterlilization unit (which is NOT reccomended for nanos). You'll get used to them over time. Take a long look at your glass and you'll start to see some white specs on it... Some of those specs will crawl around the glass. Those are pods :)

One suggestion. Take the long strainer off the maxijet inlet and put the shorter one on there. The long one restricts flow more than the short ;)
Ahh I see, thanks for the input guys. :good: And thanks Ski for always answering my questions in the past, without your help I don't think I would have started this whole thing.

Ok, since the live rock is cured, when can I start adding my clean up crew? Also what is a good temperature range? Mine runs at 82-84, I think this is too warm? I set my heater at around 77 degrees, but I think the lighting, maxijet, and filter add more heat to it? Should I lower the temperature of the heater?

The tiny dots are normal, as for the expenses the tank is wow! I never bought a hex so im not sure, but you got amazing pieces of rock so big!

With the hex, I got it with a bunch of excess supplies that were useless. :S That's why it was so expensive. :no:

Ahh I see, thanks for the input guys. :good: And thanks Ski for always answering my questions in the past, without your help I don't think I would have started this whole thing.

Ok, since the live rock is cured, when can I start adding my clean up crew? Also what is a good temperature range? Mine runs at 82-84, I think this is too warm? I set my heater at around 77 degrees, but I think the lighting, maxijet, and filter add more heat to it? Should I lower the temperature of the heater?

The tiny dots are normal, as for the expenses the tank is wow! I never bought a hex so im not sure, but you got amazing pieces of rock so big!

With the hex, I got it with a bunch of excess supplies that were useless. :S That's why it was so expensive. :no:


You add your clean up crew when the params are normal. Inverts are sensitive when it comes to params so Id be patient with them. I would think that a good temprature is around 78F.Yeah so lower the heater.
You add your clean up crew when the params are normal. Inverts are sensitive when it comes to params so Id be patient with them. I would think that a good temprature is around 78F.Yeah so lower the heater.

Thanks September, hopefully the temperature goes down.
I found the tiniest snail on the front view of my aquarium, it's now all the way at the top of the aquarium. I want to move it because I don't want it to sneak out, but its so small that if I touch it, I might crush it. how can I move the little guy?

And since the rock was cured when I purchased it, how often should I be checking my parameters?

The cleanup crew can be added when your tank is cycled, diatoms are present and nitrates are satisfactory, i.e., 10 or less. After the tank is cycled, you can do your first water change as 25% change, then 10% weekly. These inverts can be tougher than you think sometimes.

As for temps, stability is sometimes more important than actual setpoint. As feared as an 82 degree temp is, THAT is my setpoint. The decision is based on what you inted to keep in the tank, reading that you should be doing RIGHT NOW. Eg, if you plan to keep a Catalina goby, you will want to run your tank temps cooler. If you are planning a Carribbean reef, you'll want to run your tank temps higher.

Thanks for the info SH.

I lost the little snail :( I think he fell off when I fixed my powerhead. :/

Well I finally tested my water. Here are the results:

sg 1.024
ph 8.4
nitrite 0 ppm
nitrate 10 ppm
ammonia 0.25


looks like your starting to cycle :good:

now is the time to be patient let your tank fully cycle and diatoms to appear then get your clean up crew planned in the meantime watch the live rock you will be amazed :look: :look:
Thanks maiden, I stare at my live rock for hours haha.
For my clean up crew, how about
2 Nassarius
2 Cerith
2 Hermit Crabs (Dwarf Red Tipped or Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab)
1 Scarlet Skunk Shrimp?

Tell me what you guys think. :good:

I would get blue legged hermits instead of that mix. Im not sure why im saying that but thats what people reccomended to me. Uh, I would add 2 astrea snails to that mix
I would get blue legged hermits instead of that mix. Im not sure why im saying that but thats what people reccomended to me. Uh, I would add 2 astrea snails to that mix

Yeah, I was reading up on the blue legged hermits, i'll probably end up adding one. :) For the astrea, i've been reading and seems that they can't upright themselves if fallen over and can die. I won't be around so much to be able to help them back up. :no:

I'll be at school by 6:30 then I have work and won't be home until 8:00. Is it ok if I feed as soon as I get home? or will it be to late? :/

Why not feed em a little bit before you leave so they wont be swimming on an empty stomach and then feed a little more when you come back home :)
if it was me i would add a few more snails to your list astraea snails are fine yes you do lose the odd one here and there but thats life i'm afraid but they are good algea eaters

as for feeding the snails and crabs will look after themselves when i had my peppermint shrimp in i just tossed in a few flakes of dried food every couple of days mind you he was busy munching on aptasia :hey:

but when you start to stock fish you will have to be more regular with your feeding depending on what species you have will determin how often you feed with my fish i feed every other day with frozen and put the odd flake of dried inbetween i would say the best time for you to feed would be in the evening when you get in
hope this helps :)

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