Fish (species or types) you'll never keep again?

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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I think once in a while you will encounter some bad fish....
Mine is Chinese algae eater/sucker fish.
It will suck the slime of bigger fish but it's a good algae cleaner.
It cleaned my whole tank of algae within two days after I put it in.
Bn pleco for me :devil: Unless i do a Construction site themed tank:oh:

Just too messy
Mine especially love sand, he digs every where last night.
Mines took a real liking to a new piece of driftwood ive put in. He gets right up the centre of it, so it looks like the tanks had a earthquake by the time hes finished. Little devil!
My first tank when i was 8 years old i had a couple sword tails and they beat on everyone in the tank never again.
I had a dumbo eared betta. I will never ever keep a dumbo again. The large fins made it difficult to swim, the large fins attracted the guppies who nipped them until I removed her. She could not stand any kind of current, and had to live in an unfiltered tank with plants. The whole thing seemed cruel to the betta and I will never keep another dumbo again. I will never keep moscow guppies. The large tail weighed the guppy down and just seemed not good.
I had a Dumbo Ear/Super delta tale male betta for over 1 year, I didn’t have any of these problems...
Mine would probably be Dwarf Gourami’s. I mean, I love the little guys, so pretty. But, they are very prone to diseases. I had one for 1 week and it died soon after due to ick, internal parasites, and fin clamp. The water parameters were perfect.
I love zebra danios personally and have had no problems with them bullying other fish or each other and have had them for like 6 months with no problems.

Dwarf Gourami for me I thought that they would be a peacefull fish but he sometimes bullys the other fish but is very scared of them unless it is feeding time. They are beautifull though. Someday ai might try a different type of gourami.
Red tail black shark. Meanest fish I have had. He would torture other fish by ramming or chasing them.
Little terrorists. Attack everything in sight.
I agree. I had one rescue that I had for a while. He attacked snails, shrimp, pretty much anything he saw. He would even attack his food before he ate it. :rolleyes:
Probably platies. Just boring to me. I may add neon tetras after next week. If these 16 new ones that I ordered don’t survive then I give up on them.
Nooo.. platies are quite interesting fish. Well, maybe to me but my male mickey mouse platy is so insecure about his insecurities. Whenever he is insecure and don't know what to do with him self, he will clamp his fins and will scratch him self and then he's good to go! :rofl:
African Cichlids and livebearers (I have soft water)

Common pleco, tin foil, bala shark

Pair of convicts. 1 is cool.

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