Fish (species or types) you'll never keep again?

Scarlet badis...Dario Dario
Beautiful tiny fish. VERY picky eaters.
I worried every mealtime. I can't say if they would be different in larger groups, but I won't be testing that out.

Also, Zebra Danio.

Lollypop, ("a glo" Zebra danio....I know, it was a moment of weakness), bless his/her heart. I got he/she to go in a tank with my WCMMs. They were the same size, and He/She was all alone forever in the fish store, so I thought it would be great . Did I say FOREVER?

Alas, He/She harrassed the minnows. I had to take her out so I put her in a tank with Tara, my ivory mystery snail, which was fine but I felt bad. Lollypop was a VERY active fish

When my LFS got more like Lollypop I took he/she back, and she was sooo happy. I talked to her every time I went, whis is a lot.

One day Lollypop wasn't there. A little girl chose my sweet Lolly ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Literally melted my heart :wub::wub:
*deletes Danios from ‘suitable fish’ list* :rolleyes:
Danios will get along with their own kind. I think the reason why mine is so aggressive, is because it has never been with other zebra danios.

To my knowledge, danios have a “pecking order”. The dominant female with chase and nip at the other danios. But that is natural. ;)
Common pleco - terror after past being juvvie and no longer eat algae- This fish should be purged from the pet hobby. Never meant to be in a home aquarium
Dojo - to hard on anything once they get size
Oscars - Love hate them - wont keep them again ever - too large though lots of personality in some
Goldfish. lovely poop machines, maybe MAYbe only if I had a year round pond
Bn pleco for me :devil: Unless i do a Construction site themed tank:oh:

Just too messy
I know there are differences with in the "breed" Bristle Nose pleco, as they are highly hybridized. But mine are not destructive or troublesome in that way.. I have mostly long fin type, but if they are tearing up and acting crazy, I would check mine for having enough hide outs and enough in their diet ... all fish have to feed, and can not be expected to eat only waste, which I am sure most people here understand, but bottom dweller are often treated that way
Black Bass.. when they got to be 6 inches.. they were eating a dozen nightcrawler a day..:eek:
Great learning tool.. for when I went fishing!;)
I know there are differences with in the "breed" Bristle Nose pleco, as they are highly hybridized. But mine are not destructive or troublesome in that way.. I have mostly long fin type, but if they are tearing up and acting crazy, I would check mine for having enough hide outs and enough in their diet ... all fish have to feed, and can not be expected to eat only waste, which I am sure most people here understand, but bottom dweller are often treated that exploringway
I basically hand feed him so it wasnt a food problem.

He has now settled down again after i had a move around. I think he was just exploring the new set up finding his new spot in the tank (his old cave come out the tank). Hes dug a little borrow under his favoured spot now.

Cool looking fish but they are clumsy and messy. I wont have another in my set ups again but thats just me. I prefer other bottom dwellers
Black Bass.. when they got to be 6 inches.. they were eating a dozen nightcrawler a day..:eek:
Great learning tool.. for when I went fishing!;)
Yeesh! I have only fished for black bass, never actually kept them.
Mine would be Dwarf Gourami. When I did research on them they were supposed to be peaceful and shy fish. I am aware that all fish are individuals and some may be different, but mine was MEAN. It took him less than a day to kill all the other fish in the tank. If I get one o these in the future, it will be in a bigger tank with bigger fish.
Neolamprologus Leleupi

Beautiful, stunning fish. Impossibly intolerant of each other. I only have two and created a pretty extravagant 2 tiered tank (with egg crate) and tons of rock work as a safe haven for the other leleupi and they are such bullies that it just was not sustainable.
CAE / Chinese Algae Eater.
When they're full grown they doesn't eat algae at all. And being a bottom dwellers CAE is the most hostile fish I ever keep.
Yeesh! I have only fished for black bass, never actually kept them.
It was great for a short time.. it was a 50 long in my living room.. it was great entertainment. Watching them ambush prey..started with 4 had to reduce it to two..
I was living in the Midwest and wanted a local tank stock..
Shhhhh don't tell fish and game. :rofl:

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