Fish Quiz

sawickib said:
Just looks like a polypterus endlicheri, is it a sub-species of a lap? No just looks like a endi...
EDIT: Theres more endis and ornatipinnis in the back ground... And a peacock bass
It's an endlicheri, yes. And yeah..but I thought it was obvious the fish I was referring to :p Your turn. Lol @ FM!
Alright name a fish where only its eyes glow in the dark.
This unusual marine fish will leap out of the water and actually glide for some distance to evade its predators.  It has unique fins  that allow flight through the air.    It's average flight is 60 feet and it can go up to 20 feet above the water.  One of these fish has been seen sailing through the air for 45 seconds at speeds up to 45 mph before returning to the water.
Give the common name of  this unusual fish and the scientific name of the species.
It's a flying fish. I saw something on tv about them yesterday! Scientific name for the family (which includes multiple genus) is exocoetidae.
That was quick.  Coincidence that you just saw it on tv.   We'll have to change your name to Quick Draw McGaw
If I didn't see it on tv it would be a total cheat.

Easy question. What are the signs of ammonia poisoning from an unicycles tank and how is it treated?
flying fish video
you're up TallTree
Name five fish species from the abyssal zone. Easy one :p

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