Fish Quiz

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Took me ages to find the question for that last one! lol

Here is my question:
Four of the barbel stem from the base on the upper lip.
They have 3 vertical stripes,1 across the head and 2 across the body.
Some species are active at dusk, others are nocturnal.
Can be very difficult to tell gender.
What specie of fish is this?
this is a very common and desired species of community fish found in many freshwater aquariums.   There is a version that can grow to 2 inches and a larger version of this species can grow to 6 inchs.  They come in several  color patterns.  They can survive in a tank that has low dissolved oxygen.   Name this common aquarium fish and tell  us why it can survive in low oxygenated water.
It is not from catfish or cory family.
I'm going to guess gourami. They have a labyrinth organs which allows them to breathe oxygen directly from the air.
Fishmanic said:
DING DING DING --yes you are correct Malfunction----
You're up.

You can find me in swamps and lakes in Central America. I'm an omnivore, but my unusual tricuspid teeth make me excellent at feeding on filamentous algae. If you're gonna keep me in an aquarium, make sure you feed me lots of plant material. Or I'll eat your live plants and only ever show dull colours. What species am I?
Wow - not a single guess...I suppose that's my cue to provide some more clues:

1) my breeding colours are yellow/orange with a black line from nose to tail
2) I can change colours rapidly to reflect my mood
3) I am less aggressive than most Central American cichlids, so make a good cichlid for beginners.

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