Fish Quiz

true, common and false
norton just got there before me :D
i surprised myself,
first time i've been in time for a question, and that i knew the answer lol
Hemigrammus rhodostomus
Hemigrammus bleheri
Petitella georgiae (false rummy)
Sawbwa resplendens (Asian rummy)
Norton wins. You got it first.

TTA, sawbwa resplendens is more closely related to barbs than tetras for future reference. :)
umm a simple one because my mind has drawn a blank.
how densely  planted should a betta sorority be to avoid too much squabbling and whats the smallest amount of females that could go together :)
I know what is is TT, but it is called Asian Rummynose and is pretty common in the hobby. And this once again points out the problem with using common names. But then I did note is was the Asian rummy and it was the 4th fish on the list. I have never seen fish named true, common and false. These are made-up designations which are not agreed upon by anybody in the scientific community.
But go to Fishbase and you will see the bleheri and the georgiae called rummy nose and the rhodostomus called rummy-nose. But nowhere do you see the words, true, false or common.
The proper answer to the question was not true, common and false, these are not the names of fish. The three species I listed were the actual names of the fish.
This thread is supposed to be educating people about fish, what it is doing a lot of the time is putting out poor information.
And the answer to the betta sorority is:
Tank Size – I recommend no less than a 10 gallon tank. Mine is a 20 gallon and I personally like that size better because it allows plenty of room for lots of plants and hidey holes. The reason I recommend a minimum of 10 gallons is because I also recommend no less than six girls in your sorority and you will require a 10 gallon to comfortably house that many. Do not try to keep less than four females together. With two, one will become more aggressive and pick on the other. With three, the two dominant females will gang up on the more passive girl and kill her given the opportunity. The more females you have the more the aggression is spread out and six is about the minium number for a fairly peaceful tank.
Sorority Needs
Sororities need to be 5+ girls. Any less can lead to overly aggressive behavior and the aggression from the alpha female is not distributed enough.
Pick a number- who ever picks one first will be right in this thread regardless of whether the answer is correct. :p
TwoTankAmin said:
I know what is is TT, but it is called Asian Rummynose and is pretty common in the hobby. And this once again points out the problem with using common names. But then I did note is was the Asian rummy and it was the 4th fish on the list. I have never seen fish named true, common and false. These are made-up designations which are not agreed upon by anybody in the scientific community.
But go to Fishbase and you will see the bleheri and the georgiae called rummy nose and the rhodostomus called rummy-nose. But nowhere do you see the words, true, false or common.
The proper answer to the question was not true, common and false, these are not the names of fish. The three species I listed were the actual names of the fish.
This thread is supposed to be educating people about fish, what it is doing a lot of the time is putting out poor information.
And the answer to the betta sorority is:

Tank Size – I recommend no less than a 10 gallon tank. Mine is a 20 gallon and I personally like that size better because it allows plenty of room for lots of plants and hidey holes. The reason I recommend a minimum of 10 gallons is because I also recommend no less than six girls in your sorority and you will require a 10 gallon to comfortably house that many. Do not try to keep less than four females together. With two, one will become more aggressive and pick on the other. With three, the two dominant females will gang up on the more passive girl and kill her given the opportunity. The more females you have the more the aggression is spread out and six is about the minium number for a fairly peaceful tank.

Sorority NeedsSororities need to be 5+ girls. Any less can lead to overly aggressive behavior and the aggression from the alpha female is not distributed enough.
Pick a number- who ever picks one first will be right in this thread regardless of whether the answer is correct. :p

I did specify that I was looking for tetra species.
An article regarding false,common and true rummynose:
This one shows the difference between the 3

You were right regarding scientific names however. :)
You could probably even get away with less with enough WC's throughout the day, but there is that paradigm of "how much time do you want to spend" versus "does the fish have enough room to swim with all these plants" versus "will the fish feel comfortable".
It isn't my opinion, my opinion is I can find support for 4, for 5 and for 6. So which is correct? And then there are close to 60 described species of betta and another 7 or so undescribed. Does this sorority stuff apply to them all, to only some or just to one? And according to whom?
Let's move on---time for another question.   
Suppose I have a tank that is 76.2 centimeters  long by 13 inches wide by 18 inches deep . It has a bare bottom.    I have added  lots of rocks and driftwood and or ceramic decor which take up 1.25 gallons of space.    I want to start a fishless cycle and will be using ammonia that has a concentration of ammonia of 4.75%.   I want to add 3ppm of ammonia to start the cycle.  
How many ml (to the hundredth of a ml)  of ammonia should I add to the tank. 

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