Fish Quiz

I protest the supposed correct answer to the arcuatus question. This fish does not have a main river. It is found throughout the upper amazon basin and perhaps beyond Brazil.
In fact the Japanese site lists it as being from "Place: Peru Rio Ucayali, Rio Napo,Rio Yavari, Rio Purus."
There are a couple of variety of arcuatus the come from the above rivers.
Seriously Fish states this:
This species was described from an aquarium specimen so its type locality is unknown although the holotype is said to be from ‘? Teffe, Amazon’ which would appear to correspond to the city of Tefé in Amazonas state, Brazil, some 500 km west of Manaus on the rio Solimões.
Mongabay says:
H: Along banks of slow-moving rivers. South America; found near Tef, Brazil, in the Tef and Amazon Rivers.
Fisgbase says this:
South America: Upper Amazon River basin.
Nobody seems to agree with the supposed correct answer. What does seem apparent is there is no correct answer to the questions since there is no one river. In fact there seems to be evidence that the fish is found in multiple countries and rivers.
If one of the reasons for this thread is to be educational, then it behooves folks to insure the correctness of what they ask and what they feel is the correct answer. The one thing I know for sure is the answer given by KB in this respect was not correct since no single river would have been.
I think the quiz is intended to be a bit of fun TTA - nice if we can learn along the way but primarily a bit of a laugh.
Actually it was an ordinary clam among 20, it just happen to be examined and recorded it age, we may even eat olders ones everyday and would never no it. Heres an article by NATGEO on it, people were really mad they killed the clam trying to open it, when it was dead before they even tried to determine its age. >>>>
Ok next question, this is the most rare marine fish in the world, found in the pacific ocean 400ft under water, o crap nvm cant do my question if you can answer it then extra credit haha next one to post can have the question.
There is often more than one correct answer but the questioner wants a certain particular answer that is also correct---I found the name of that river as a main habitat of the skunk cory on the internet---but I agree, you were also correct and perhaps should have won as you were the first answer.  
When Diddle asked her question about Piranha ,  my first answer was also correct but not the one she was looking for as there was more than one correct answer.  In the end, I gave the answer she was looking for.  
Let's just have fun with this.   Just try your best to research and find the most correct information.  Sure mistakes may be made,  but I don't think it will be too often.    After all, We're not playing for a million bucks here.  
Which fish is also known as The Living Fossil Fish?

I'm off to bed in 10 so if no-one answers quickly I'll be back in the morning! (hopefully after a good night's sleep!)
is it an ichthyosaurus?

ah dang it, I know which fish I mean, I think I've got the name wrong :/

Coelacanth!  That's it!  lol
Okay - I'm tired so this is going to be an easy one - what is the common name of Microsorum pteropus?  (and no Googling, it's too easy :p)
Good night Daize!
What commonly consumed 'human food' is often recommended to help fish prevent becoming bloated or to aid swim bladder issues?

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