Fish Prices??


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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I visited one of my LFS's earlier and looking at the prices became curious in how they compared to other LFS's.

The ones i noticed were:

Peppered Corydoras 2.39 each
Fully grown Starlight Ancistrus 14.99
Medium Angels 3.99 each
Glass Catfish 2.39 each
Banjo Catfish 4.99 each
Bumble Bee Catfish 1.59 each
Apple Snails 2.39 each

How do these prices compare to anyones elses lfs's? Would be interesting to know just how different regions of England, and other countries compare with regards fish and if there are any trends with bigger stores like Pets At Home or Walmart having typically higher prices.
All input welcome!!

I paid £7.50 for panda corys each.
thats loads wilder mine were 3 quid each

plus my lfs currently has peppered and bronze cories at 99p each they had hudreads but have quite a few less now
The first three i bought are thriving, but the next three all died, one the next day with a red patch on his belly, the other other two followed a couple of days later, bad stock, didn't even ask for a refund, won't go again, so that was £22.50 down the drain, poor fish.
Woah, all the fish from the particular lfs seem to be in great condition, just not sure of the prices in comparison 2 other places...
LOL, some I remember are...
Pets at home-
Neons and most danios- 99p each
Cuckoo syndontis-£16.99 each
bn plecs- £2.99 each

Arundel Aquatics-
All cories- £4.99 each (this includes bronze but they have a lot of rarer types)
Bettas- £4 something each. But they are CT's.
Bumblebee gobies- £1.49 each
WCMM- 95p each

Emsworth Aquatics-
Bettas- £3 each
And my mind has gone blank. Although plants are v. cheap- Vallises are 30p each, amozon swords 70p each, wisteria £1.20 each.
out of the fish you listed, this is my lfs prices for them.

Peppered Corydoras 3.99
Medium Angels 30.00
Banjo Catfish 5.99
Apple Snails 10.98


WCM 3.49
BN Plecos- 12.99
clown plecos 35.99
Tigar plecos 49.99
neon tetras 2.99

should I continue? lol.
bettas £3.95
BN Plec £7.95
Neons £1.20 or 10 for £10
WCMM £1.30 or ten for £10
Discuss £60 or 2 for £100
BGK £10
Guppies Male £1.30
Guppies femail £1.20
All tropical plants £2.75
All cold water plants £1.85

thats all i can remember
OohFeeshy said:
LOL, some I remember are...
Pets at home-
Neons and most danios- 99p each
Cuckoo syndontis-£16.99 each
bn plecs- £2.99 each

Arundel Aquatics-
All cories- £4.99 each (this includes bronze but they have a lot of rarer types)
Bettas- £4 something each. But they are CT's.
Bumblebee gobies- £1.49 each
WCMM- 95p each

Emsworth Aquatics-
Bettas- £3 each
And my mind has gone blank. Although plants are v. cheap- Vallises are 30p each, amozon swords 70p each, wisteria £1.20 each.
wow fish are cheap in your neck of the woods ! well in comparison to London I suppose anything is :rofl:
at the shop I work in
Peppered Corydoras 2.25 each
Fully grown Starlight Ancistrus not stocked
Medium Angels 5.95 each
Glass Catfish 3.49 each
Banjo Catfish 3.99 each
Bumble Bee Catfish not stocked
Apple Snails 2.00 each
Cool, i guess this lfs i got the prices of is quite cheap then which is good news!
Since the BN's at pets at home seem to be a lot cheaper, I'll point a few things out.
1. They were absolutely tiny.
2. I'm not even sure if they were all BN's. There were about 3 different colours of them in the tank, and all at slightly different sizes too.
3. They were labeled as 'in for a limeted time only', which makes me think they were maybe delivered by mistake or something.

Plus they were weak as hell, mine died the day after I got it.
I paid £3.50 for my BN plecs
£5.00 for 6 tetras/danios
£4.50 Medium angels
£10.00+ Large angels

:angel: :devil: Lilfishie :devil: :angel:
DMan99 said:
The ones i noticed were:

Peppered Corydoras 2.39 each
Fully grown Starlight Ancistrus 14.99
Medium Angels 3.99 each
Glass Catfish 2.39 each
Banjo Catfish 4.99 each
Bumble Bee Catfish 1.59 each
Apple Snails 2.39 each

sounds very close to my LFS price's.

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