Tropical Fish A To Z Quick Reference Guide

I started a similar type of project, but put the info in a database that is searchable by any field, like common name, scientific name, tank size, etc.

I still never "finished" it, but have a bit over 100 fish. Also I provide a link back to the fish profiles on this site so that people can see pics posted here, and read the profiles. (which might give more info than just the collection of stats in my database) See sig for details. Take info for your project as needed.
Tell me if you guys like the new format. I will add pictures and color code for easy acess and reading if a person is trying to find some fish for beginners! Tell me what you like or don't like. Only the first 4 are done!!!!
You have given no real basis for the difficulty level, as in what makes something easy and what makes it hard.

Also, what about many species with the same common name? Bumblebee catfish can refer to a fish that gets to 4" and is quite peaceful, or a super nasty fish that gets past a foot and will try and eat anything nearby.

Also, I don't like people doing pH of their tank by numbers. Just because the pH is slightly outside a stated range is not a good reason to go trying to change it. Pretty much every fish can live happily outside the stated pH ranges with no problems, so long as the water quality is excellent. Telling people to find a happy medium will send them rushing for pH adjusters and the plausibility of pH swings.
Pretty much every fish can live happily outside the stated pH ranges with no problems, so long as the water quality is excellent. Telling people to find a happy medium will send them rushing for pH adjusters and the plausibility of pH swings.
I totally agree with andy on this one.
Please dont take this the wrong way as its intended to be constructive rather than detremental
but if you are going to give out or publsh information then it has to be correct, in every manner.
you state angelfish, apistogramma and archer fish
first there are 3, possibly 4 species of angelfish (P.leopbaldi being in contention) and Altums require slightly different care than the others do.
there are many species of apistos and they do not all have the same care requirements. (see for details)
again many species of archer fish, each with their own requirements, salinity levels etc

whilst we are on it, you should either use common names or genera not mix the two up as it looks unprofessional and adds less credence to what you state after it.

Again, I hope this is taken in a constructive way and not as a slight on you personally.
I like the idea, it just needs tweaking to get it 'just so'

you may wish to checkout aquazoos' fish database as they have listed fish in a colour coded form much like you are doing.
although theirs is not great it may give you some hints and tips etc
your post says:

Archer Fish- Ph 7.4-8.2 (Slightly Adaptable). Can grow to around 4 in or 10 cm . Semi-aggressive, but brackish water fish, needs other brackish tank mates. Frozen and Live foods preferred. Can live up to 5 years. INTERMEDIATE difficulty. (Fairly Hardy)

there are 7 species of archer fish and not all of them are brackish i myself have 3 very healthy specimins of Toxotes microlepis living in freshwater no problems at all. the most commonly traded species of archer fish is Toxotes jaculatrix and these can grow to nearly a foot in length slightly over the 4" you state. :good:
Awesome thanks guys. I'll work on tweaking this. I'll change it to angelfish (Scalare). I'll remove the happy medium machine like andy said, so that no one confuses the prefereed ph as an absolutely needed ph. And archer fish and apistogrammas for one will be broaded into all species and their common names as to be more correct and specific. Please I am no expert on all fish by anymeans, if you see any more that needed to be broken down from this list, I'd love to hear it. I want it to be correct.

Also I will make it cleaer, but by saying easy, intermediate, and advanced, The more advanced the fish is to keep, the more care is needed. It's tankmates HAVE to be chosen wisely, it's water conditions as well, the tops to the tank must be secure, they are very picky eaters, etc.

Thjanks again guys, I appreciate it. I'm learning so much doing this, so I am not offended, I'm excited.
Please help me by posting the several species of archer fish, also Appistogramma is just a dwarf cichlid right? Should I just take that out and post some of the dwarfs, like Kribensis, rams etc.?
There are several different species of Apistogrammas, Rams, etc...some are larger/hardier/etc than others. Same goes for african shell dwellers, they have different habits and different space requirements.

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