What Kind Of Algae Eater Should I Get?

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what about Queen Arabesque Plecostomus?
This is a carnivorous species and will not consume algae. I have 3 and I can confirm L260's do not eat algae :X :)
really? a few years ago i had algae problems and was about to buy one... glad i didn't!

L260 are delicate and need similar care to the L46 Zebra Pleco. And by my calculations, you would have been 10 years old when you were considering buying one. And you probably weren't as experienced back then as you are now so it was a lucky escape!
All good information, but I'd love to see my newest favorite algae eater included in this list:

The Farlowella catfish (farlowella acus). These guys are AMAZING!
Hey guys newbie here, found this extremely interesting.
I picked up a few and they have all the characteristics of the Crossocheilus Langei but I can not find a black spot, looks a wee bit grayish but not black.
They are about 2" long.
Here's a few pics, what do you think?





They're a tad dark but I tried taking them without a flash.
They look like crossocheilus siamensis (siamese algae etar) to me
I have 3 in my main tank, great fish

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