Fish Keeping Quiz

what is the scientific name for the german blue ram?

microgeophagus ramirezi

Well, with google anybody can know everything lol, kinda eliminates the point of the quiz. Than again it is an honour system lol.
but how else are you going to found out info if you don't know the answer? the point of it is to learn. we can't all be a fountain of knowledge like you prankster. lol
^ Hey, you can't pull that question! We in America, dont ahve L number's, we have common names. So your question is INVALID!

How does Ammonia, NitrIte, and NitrAte effect your fish?
Ammonia = causes ammonia burns, particularly in the gills, which in severe cases results in suffocation, often causes permanent damage.

Nitrite = binds to hemoglobin in the blood causing the fish to breath heavily and in severe cases suffocate, often causes permanent damage.

Nitrate = no particular ill effect unless in huge amounts, long term effects are unknown.

I don't see how my question is invalid, common names are basically useless.
Speaking as One Who Knows Nothing about this issue, I could be mistaken, but I believe prankster705 has an important point.
Common names apparently vary a good deal, even when sold in the same geographic areas, going by what I've encountered in my internet travels, and while I believe there's been a bit of a shuffle with various of the L numbers, it seems as though the L numbers are frequently used - often together with whatever common name(s) is(are) most likely to be recognised - because there's otherwise such a possibility of confusion.
It seems to be quite common for the L number to be used in IDing plecs.
Besides, lol, there's always Google to fall back on in sorting them out...
But google is CHEATING. The thing is, this Forum is host to Americans. So, how are we supposed to know what the highest L number Pleco is? I mean, you could give me any number'd pleco, and i would not be able to tell you , let alone know the highest number.

Prankster705: Good awnsers.

Why are mbuna so mean?

Well, i would assume it's because their Lake is so over populated. With that many fish, there is only soo much food and space. So, you have to beat the crap outta everyone else to survive ( just a guess)
L numbers are used around the world, it's like saying Americans don't use latin names. For anything but the most common fish, common names are practically useless in determining the exact species.

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