S Spat_si Fish Crazy Joined Feb 19, 2004 Messages 269 Reaction score 0 Location Windsor, Canada Apr 7, 2004 #1 I saw a fish at the lfs and it had a red head and yellow body. Is it dyed or is there some sort of fish like that i don't know about... btw it was in a tropical tank.
I saw a fish at the lfs and it had a red head and yellow body. Is it dyed or is there some sort of fish like that i don't know about... btw it was in a tropical tank.
D Doggfather Al Bundy Retired Moderator ⚒️ Joined Dec 12, 2003 Messages 2,728 Reaction score 2 Location GB Apr 7, 2004 #2 ask the lfs! they will most lickly have it written on the tank
OP OP S Spat_si Fish Crazy Joined Feb 19, 2004 Messages 269 Reaction score 0 Location Windsor, Canada Apr 7, 2004 #3 i did and they said it was a (sp) harquilen rabora but i know it not....
D Doggfather Al Bundy Retired Moderator ⚒️ Joined Dec 12, 2003 Messages 2,728 Reaction score 2 Location GB Apr 7, 2004 #4 really? i'm suppriesed they don't know the names of the fish they keep
R rsz Cheddar: classic or cliche? Joined Sep 13, 2003 Messages 1,244 Reaction score 0 Location Nottingham, UK Apr 7, 2004 #5 Information (and pic) about harlequin rasboras here... think your lfs got mixed up
Auratus Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am? Joined Oct 28, 2003 Messages 2,964 Reaction score 5 Location Camarillo, CA Apr 7, 2004 #6 Maybe a rummynose tetra PICTURE AND INFO
OP OP S Spat_si Fish Crazy Joined Feb 19, 2004 Messages 269 Reaction score 0 Location Windsor, Canada Apr 8, 2004 #7 nope and nope... alot more of its head was red and it was alot fatter