Fish Game #2

i have no idea when its comes to chiclids,

so are you found in lake tanka(cant spell the end)
Sorry it took so long for me to reply. My little sister had all these candles lit in her room and got on the computer. Then i walked by while on the phone and noticed her shelf of fire!!!Then when she threw a bucket of water on it the flame went up to the ceiling so i had to cut the power off then put it out. Don't worry no real damage though. Well nothing a new coat of paint can't fix. So i've been busy cleaning and trying to air out the house.
Goodness what a drama I'm glad you've got it sorted now and no one was hurt ! :)
i know and i was just about to leave so if i hadn't have noticed it it would have been huge. What a pleasent way to spend my sunday :S
hehe i've won lol at last never won the old ones, rite i'm of to think up a fish lol :lol: :hyper: :hyper:
thank you :* :* right i'm a bottom dweller
dunno probably best if you start a new post slt :) I think I've got an idea of what you are :p

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